The De Gondi household

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Around 1613 the De Gondis hired Vincent as the tutor for their son Pierre. Vincent had full responsibility for his intellectual, moral, and religious formation. He was also in charge of the household staff and gave them religious instruction. In addition, he taught catechism and evangelized the peasant farmers on the De Gondi estates. At the same time, he became spiritual director of Madame De Gondi. In a sermon, given probably in this period, he spoke of the “infinite usefulness” of the catechism in forming others.


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During his 16 months as pastor at Clichy, in 1612-13, Vincent became very aware of the need to offer more adequate training to candidates for the priesthood. He opened a school where he began to form a dozen youngsters who wanted to become priests. Among these was his future faithful companion, Antoine Portail. At this early date, Vincent’s interest in the formation of the clergy is already evident.

The Academy in Buzet

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Two years later he went to Toulouse to begin his studies in theology, remaining there for seven years. When his finances ran low, he took up teaching in a small academy for boys in Buzet, a village about 21 miles from Toulouse. He earned the reputation of being an excellent teacher and because of his popularity was able to transfer the school to Toulouse itself where he continued to instruct boys until he finished his studies.

The sons of Monsieur Comet

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In 1595, Vincent went to Dax to study at the Collège des Cordeliers. While studying reading, writing, grammar, and Latin in preparation for beginning his studies in theology, he caught the attention of Monsieur de Comet, a lawyer at the Presidial Court in Dax, who invited Vincent into his home as a tutor for his children. Thus, at the remarkably young age of 14 or 15, Vincent began, in a sense, his career as a teacher and formator.

Spanish Martyrs of the 20th Century

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54 from the Congregation of the Mission, 29 Daughters of Charity, 14 lay Vincentians and 5 diocesan priests who were their spiritual advisors, were killed “in odium fidei”, as a result of the hatred of the Catholic faith.

Bl. Josip Mayr-Nusser

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Godine 1944. Josip Mayr-Nusser, talijanski laik, katolički suprug i otac, odbio je zakleti se na vjernost Hitleri nakon što je bio odveden u njemačku vojsku. Umro je na putu u koncentracijski logor u Dachau, budući da je bio na tu kaznu osuđen. S 22 godine života pridružio se Udruzi svetog Vinka Paulskog. Beatificiran je 18. ožujka 2017. godine. Papa Franjo je nazvao blaženog Josipa uzorom laicima i ocima “zbog njegove značajne moralne i duhovne osobnosti”.

Bl. Petar Juraj Frassati

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Dječak Petar Juraj jednom je otvorio vrata svoje obiteljske kuće majci prosjakinji. Njezin bosonogi sin bio je s njom. Petar Juraj je dječaku dao svoje vlastite cipele.

Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, SC

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During her time at the College of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, NJ, many individuals remarked on Teresa’s humility and genuine piety. She could be found kneeling in the college chapel at all hours and was very devoted to praying the rosary.