Bl. Enrichetta Alfieri

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Sestra Enrichetta Alfieri, članica Sestara kršćanske ljubavi sv. Ivane Antide djelovala je u apostolatu zatvorenika. Zatvor svetog Josipa u Milanu postao je njezin dom, mjesto njezine djelotvorne ljubavi. Znala je govoriti: “Djelotvorna ljubav je poput vatre koja se širi dok gori; trpjet ću, djelovati i moliti da bih privukla duše Isusu.” Uhićena je tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata jer je pomagala zatvorenicima koji su bili žrtve naci-fašističkog nasilja.

Bl. Ana Marta Wiecka

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Tijekom svog djelovanja u Sniatynu sestra Ana Marta Wiecka je saznala da je jedan bolnički djelatnik, mladi otac, dobio zadatak dezinficirati sobu visoko zaraznog, tifusnog bolesnika. Ona se dragovoljno javila da bi mladića zamijenila i zarazila se tifusom.

Sv. Augustina Pietrantoni

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Kći kršćanske ljubavi koju je napao i ubio pacijent za kojeg je skrbila dok je izgovarala riječi praštanja i zazive Blaženoj Djevici Mariji.

Bl. Jozefina Nicoli

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Jozefina Nicoli, kći kršćanske ljubavi, radila je u vjerskom odgoju potrebnika svih dobi i bogatijih djevojaka. Predstavlja uzor izravnog služenja siromasima.

Bl. Ceferino Giménez Malla

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A member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, he was martyred on 9 August 1936 in Spain. After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil in July 1936, Ceferino saw a priest being arrested and spoke up on the priest’s behalf. The soldiers turned on him and he was eventually executed.

Bl. Contardo Ferrini

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Contardo Ferrini je rekao: „Ako bilo kojega dana samo malo razveselimo svoga bližnjega i učinimo ništa drugo osim toga, taj dan neće biti izgubljen. Jer, uspjeli smo utješiti jednu besmrtnu dušu.“

Bl. Nemezija Valle

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„Isuse, isprazni me od same sebe i daj da se u tebe odjenem. Isuse, za tebe živim i za tebe umirem…“ Bila je molitva Nemezije Valle tijekom cijeloga njezina života.

Blessed Marie-Jean Joseph Lataste, O.P.

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A Dominican priest, Father Marie-Jean Joseph Lataste is the founder of Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Bethany. As a working layman, he was an active member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and credited the Society with planting the seeds of his religious vocation. He entered the Dominican Novitiate at Flavigny in November 1857 and was ordained on February 8, 1863. He began his apostolate after giving a retreat to incarcerated women in Cadillac, France in the year 1864. He had a great devotion to Saint Joseph and wrote to Pope Pius IX, telling him that he would offer his life so that the name of St. Joseph be added to the Canon of the Mass.(2) He did not live to see his request granted but on November 13, 1962, Pope John XXIII, added St. Joseph’s name to the First Eucharistic Prayer. Father Lataste was declared blessed on June 3rd, 2012,(3) the forty-ninth anniversary of Saint John XXIII’s death. On the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, May 1st, 2013, Pope Francis decreed that the Saint’s name be added to Eucharistic Prayers II, III and IV. (4) 1. Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin “A Call to a Deeper Love the Family Correspondence of the Parents of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (1864-1885)” (Alba House, June 2011) p. 147. 2. February 8 2012. 3. Ibid. 4. Vatican Roman Curia Congregations 130501 May 1, 2013.

Saint Louis Martin

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Saint Louis Martin, the father of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face (Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower), canonized along with his wife Marie Azelie Guerin Martin (1831-1877) on October 18, 2015, was an active member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. His brother-in-law, Isadore Guerin, took part in the foundation of the Conference in Lisieux in the year 1874.* *Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin “A Call to a Deeper Love the Family Correspondence of the Parents of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (1864-1885)” (Alba House, June 2011) p. 147.

Bl. Frederik Ozanam

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Ovaj izuzetan, osjećajan mladić, podrijetlom iz skromne obitelji srednjega staleža, dnevno se suočavao s bijedom siromašnog radništva Pariza koji su ovjekovječeni u Puccinijevoj La Boheme i Jadnicima. Saznajte kako je šest studenata osnovalo volontersku organizaciju koja danas broji preko 875 000 članova u 130 zemalja.