St. Gianna Beretta Molla

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St. Gianna Beretta Molla placed the life of her unborn child before her own. She is the patron saint for mothers, preborn children and physicians.

Bl. Joseph Mayr-Nusser

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In 1944, Joseph Mayr-Nusser, Italian layman, a Catholic husband and father, refused to take the oath of allegiance to Hitler after being drafted into the German army. He died on the way to Dachau concentration camp, to which he had been sentenced. At the age of 22 he joined the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. He was beatified on March 18, 2017. Pope Francis called Blessed Joseph a model for all laymen and fathers “on account of his great moral and spiritual stature.”

Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

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As a child, Pier Giorgio Frassati once answered the door of the family home to find a mother begging; her son, shoeless, was with her. Pier Giorgio gave the boy his own shoes.

Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, SC

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During her time at the College of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, NJ, many individuals remarked on Teresa’s humility and genuine piety. She could be found kneeling in the college chapel at all hours and was very devoted to praying the rosary.

Bl. Enrichetta Alfieri

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Sister Enrichetta Alfieri (1891-1951), from the Sisters of Charity of Saint Jeanne Antide, was involved in pastoral work in the city prisons before. The prison of Saint Victor in Milan became her home, the place of her love. She used to say: « Charity is a fire which likes to expand while it burns; I will suffer, work and pray in order to attract souls to Jesus. » She was arrested during the Second World War because she helped the prisoners who were victims of the Nazi-Fascist violence.

Bl. Anna Marta Wiecka

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Sister Marta Anna Wiecka learned that a hospital worker who was a young father had been given the job of disinfecting the room of someone sick with highly contagious typhoid fever. She volunteered to take the place of the young man, and she became ill with typhoid fever.

St. Agostina Pietrantoni

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Saint Agostina Pietrantoni, a Sister of Charity of Saint Jeanne-Antide Thouret, was attacked and killed by a patient she cared for as she uttered words of forgiveness and invocations to Mary.

Bl. Giuseppina Nicoli

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Giuseppina Nicoli as a Daughter of Charity worked in religious education for the needy of all ages along with girls from wealthy families. She provided a model of direct service to the poor.

Bl. Ceferino Giménez Malla

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A member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, he was martyred on 9 August 1936 in Spain. After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil in July 1936, Ceferino saw a priest being arrested and spoke up on the priest’s behalf. The soldiers turned on him and he was eventually executed.

Bl. Contardo Ferrini

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Contardo Ferrini said “If on any particular day we do nothing more than give a little joy to a neighbor, that day will not be wasted. For we have succeeded in giving comfort to an immortal soul.”