In Frederic Ozanam’s eyes, faith without charity had no meaning. See a video with quotes from Ozanam’s letters.
August 30: Blessed Ghebre Michael
“For the life, death, and beatification of Blessed Ghebre Michael, we rejoice and are glad.” – Fr. Richard McCullen, C.M. See a presentation, “Blessed Ghebre Michael and the Fullness of Truth”
St. Louise’s Notes on the Ladies of Charity
The first Confraternity of Charity, later to become the Ladies of Charity or AIC, was founded at Châtillon-les-Dombes in August, 1617. See a presentation
The Prayer Life of Louise de Marillac
“St. Louise’s prayer was not a method or a series of practices; rather her prayer was a life lived in union with God.” – Corpus Juan Delgado, CM • See a presentation (August 12 is the birthday of St. Louise de Marillac.)
August 2: Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla
Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla is included among the Saints and Blesseds of the Vincentian Family because he was an active member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Learn more
July 30: St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.
This week we celebrated St. Justin de Jacobis (feast day, July 30). See a list of presentations and video about this Vincentian Family Saint.
July 31: Foundation of the Sisters of Charity by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
July 31, 1809 is the foundation date of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph’s by Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, at Emmitsburg, Maryland, USA. Learn what happened, in a detailed story from one of the Sisters’ diaries. See the presentation
July 26: Anniversary of Congregation of the Mission in United States
Brief history of the Congregation of the Mission’s spread from France to the United States. See the presentation
Apparitions of Mary to St. Catherine Labouré
Fr. Frank Sacks, C.M. explains the three apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Catherine Labouré. July 18 is the anniversary of the first apparition. See the video
Sisters of Charity Federation: Congregations’ Origins
This video describes the origins of each of the congregations of the Sisters of Charity Federation in North America, key figures in their histories, and what needs they filled (for example: caring for orphans, educating children, responding to the needs of immigrants, etc.) See the video