Video Presentation by Sr. Judith Metz, S.C.

In this recently enhanced version of a previously existing video recording, Sr. Judith Metz, S.C. (Cincinnati) tells the story of how the Charity Federation developed, in part to advocate for the Cause for Canonization for Elizabeth Ann Seton, but also to facilitate reconciliation between various congregations of the Sisters of Charity and the Daughters of Charity in North America. She explains how the Sisters formed a Conference in 1947, and remained loosely organized until 1965, after which they developed into a true federation in response to The Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life, Perfectae Caritatis, proclaimed by Pope Paul VI. She also presents details as to when each of the congregations joined the Federation.

The Story of the Sisters of Charity Federation

Sisters of Charity Federation: History is a ten-minute video that tells the extraordinary story of how the Charity congregations began and expanded in North America. With maps, photos and text from some of the Federation’s most respected leaders and archivists, it presents a brief look at the people, places and events that shaped the Charity mission of serving those who are poor and marginalized… the needs the Sisters filled… the real and inspiring adventure that is the Federation’s 205-year history. The video’s YouTube premiere is presented in celebration of the Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, January 4.

What Defines Vincentian Evangelization?

What are some ways in which we, as members of the Vincentian family, can collaborate in the Church’s mission of evangelization? Watch as Fr. Celestino Fernández, C.M. describes a basic Vincentian attitude that can be a starting point for our evangelizing activity, along with ten criteria that we can use as a kind of checklist for evangelization. See the presentation here.

3 Reflections on the Place of Vincentians in the New Evangelization

What is the contribution of a Vincentian to the Church’s task of evangelization? What unique perspective do we bring? As part of our series on New Evangelization, we offer this new presentation based on the writings of Celestino Fernández, CM. Reflect with him on these three concepts: the image of a Vincentian Evangelizer, the beneficiaries of Vincentian Evangelization, and the message that the Vincentian Evangelizer delivers.

Vincentian Religious Vocations

Throughout this Year of Consecrated Life, we would like to highlight various aspects of Vincentian Family Vocations and Discernment as much as possible. On our webpage “Serve” there is a section called “Links to Vocation Directors”. Please contact us if you know of a link that we need to add to this list. Thank you!