Prayer for Vincentians about to Engage in Systemic Change
May God be with us as we serve those in need.
May we find creative ways to assist them in becoming independent.
May we pray for unity amongst Vincentians throughout the world.
May we explore new ways to teach and learn from those we serve.
May we pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us on the Vincentian Pathway to ending poverty as we now know it.
May we find courage and stamina to improve the structural systems that keep our friends in need in their place at the bottom of the ladder.
May we stand with them and for them in their struggles for justice in the care provided for and to them.
May God bless all of us knowing we are all doing our part to improve the system of care for those in need.
One Comment on “Prayer for Vincentians about to Engage in Systemic Change”
Hi I came in today and got food and clothing being homeless for two years now I feel dehumanized because I have been neglected of basic needs like clothing food water transportation support and even feminine products. Today I felt like I’m on the first step of getting my life back together and the staff were sp nice I still need help with housing but ime starting to believe everything is gonna be alright because of your organization. I couldn’t be more grateful thank you for everything and God bless