Unsure how you can begin proclaiming the Gospel to those you know? You must proceed carefully, not harshly attempting to convert someone but instead allowing them to make a free choice. Of all possibilities, service creates the most fruitful opportunity to open others to God. Get some quick tips on evangelizing, Vincentian style, in our new two-minute video: “Launch Out Into the Deep”.
[Superior General Fr. Gregory Gay has dedicated this coming year as the Vincentian Year of New Evangelization. He writes: “The role of every baptized Catholic who lives faithfully is to make Jesus known to all people.” As St. Vincent de Paul said, “It is not enough for me to love God if my neighbor doesn’t love him.” (SV, XII, Conf. May 30, 1659). In his recent Top 10 Secrets to Happiness Pope Francis warned “But the worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyzes…”]