Leading Hearts to God: Sharing Our Charism With Those We Serve

Eugene Smith, past President of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, USA, writes: “Most of the people served by the Vincentian family do not know St. Vincent and St. Louise. Why, because most of us in the Vincentian Family seldom take the time to tell those we visit in their homes or hospital beds or wherever we serve them about our founders. We live out the charism as we serve but we don’t tell people why we do what we do.” In this Vincentian Year of New Evangelization, let us revisit this important article originally published as part of the monthly study material for the Vincentian Family’s 350th Anniversary celebration.

Famvin Advent Calendar

This year we are offering an Advent Calendar. Each day there will be a passage from the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, along with Reflection Questions. This series will also be posted daily on Facebook and Pinterest for the 25 days of Advent 2014.

What Made the Daughters of Charity Different From Their Predecessors?

Their social and economic status (peasant girls); their practice of simple annual vows, as opposed to perpetual vows; their choice to wear the clothes of that day, to enable them to function more easily; their ability to move freely through the streets and hospital wards, as opposed to a cloister. In celebration of the founding of the Daughters of Charity on Nov. 29, 1633, may we recommend the informative video series Conversations With Elisabeth Charpy, D.C. in which Sr. Elisabeth describes the early history of the Daughters, and also the video Origins of the Daughters of Charity.

The Miraculous Medal: A Powerful Tool for Evangelization

How did these people use the Miraculous Medal to evangelize? Mother Teresa, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Fr. Carl Pieber, C.M., a street evangelizer, a lay person, an Augustinian priest… read their stories of the power of the Miraculous Medal. This new presentation is a resource for both the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Nov. 27), and the Vincentian Year of New Evangelization. See: The Miraculous Medal: A Powerful Tool for Evangelization.

Called To Reflect a Passion for Justice

All God’s people, and we as a Vincentian Family in particular, are called to reflect God’s merciful and just character in the world; to witness to Christ and His Kingdom through word and deed. Our passion for justice comes from a passion for Jesus and a passion for Jesus’ poor. Learn more in today’s featured resource, the presentation Jesus Evangelizer of the Poor.

More Vincentian Resources for New Evangelization

When Pope Benedict XVI issued Porta fidei, the Apostolic Letter proclaiming a Year of Faith, he said the world was in need of credible witnesses. Catholics are encouraged to study the lives of the Saints in order to follow their example. As part of our ongoing series related to the Vincentian Year of New Evangelization, I would like to highlight 12 resources originally produced for the Year of Faith, that show how our Vincentian Saints open the door of faith to those who wish to follow in their footsteps. Read more at Resources Tagged “Year of Faith”.