Collaboration of Bl. Rosalie and Bl. Frederic

One simple definition of collaboration is “Two or more people working together towards shared goals.” Today we feature this presentation about Bl. Rosalie Rendu, Bl. Frederic Ozanam, and their collaboration in service of the poor in 19th century Paris. The text is based on excerpts from “Unfolding the Legacy: Key Figures in the Tradition” by Betty Ann McNeil, DC.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Collaboration

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s canonization, and in keeping with the Year of Vincentian Collaboration… we feature this new slide presentation. Learn how St. Elizabeth shared her life’s work with Sisters, lay persons, priests and Bishops as her influence began to spread throughout the growing United States.

Frederic Ozanam and Collaboration

During this Year of Vincentian Collaboration we will be highlighting various Vincentian heritage figures to show how they collaborated with others of their time, who their influencers were, and how they so often made changes happen by networking rather than relying on their own abilities and knowledge alone. Today we look at Blessed Frederic Ozanam and Collaboration. Later this week we will feature St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

The September Martyrs

The 191 “September Martyrs” were killed during the French Revolution on September 2 and 3, 1792 after they refused to take an oath that would have placed them under the authority of the state. They were beatified on October 17, 1926 by Pope Pius XI. Three Vincentian priests were among them: Bl. Louis-Joseph François, Bl. Jean-Henri Gruyer and Bl. Pierre-René … Read More

August 28: Birthday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

“Elizabeth Seton was born in New York City on August 28, 1774, to devout Episcopalians, Dr. Richard Bayley and Catherine Charlton Bayley. Dr. Bayley taught surgery at King’s College (now Columbia University) and was the First Health Officer of New York City… By the time of her death on January 4, 1821, Elizabeth had founded no less than 50 Catholic institutions, such as orphanages, schools, and hospitals including St. Vincent Hospital in New York City.” – from the Website of Seton Pediatric Center. Find out the rest of the story, along with prayer services, videos, presentations and more, at this link.

August 23: First Confraternity of Charity (Later the AIC)

On August 22, 1617, St. Vincent founded the First Confraternity of Charity at Chatillon-les-Dombes; which became what we know today as the AIC (International Association of Charities). In preparation for the 400th anniversary of the AIC (1617-2017), a new AIC document, the AIC Charter, is being drafted. Today’s feature is based on Chapter 1, Topic 2. Learn the principles behind “what drives the AIC”. Click here to view the YouTube video and accompanying slide presentation.

Resources for Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Throughout history, and in each Vincentian institution or group, the Vincentian Family has given a privileged place to Mary. This Saturday, August 15, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For a selection of resources (downloadable presentations, videos, podcasts, etc.) about Mary, click here.