Pocket Guides to the Vincentian Family

The Vincentian Family Tree, authored by Sr. Betty Ann McNeil, DC (Chicago: Vincentian Studies Institute, 1996), traced in exact detail the roots of the entire Vincentian family worldwide. Here we offer an outline version of the family tree. Also check out the list of links to Vincentian Family websites in English. You might like to bookmark this page in your … Read More

Journey Toward Boundless Charity

“Boundless charity is giving of your heart and your soul and your physical strength.” This video is a celebration of the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth: a look back into their history, a vision of present times, and a glimpse into their future. Take a few minutes to learn more about this dynamic branch of the Vincentian Family.

Connecting With the Vincentian Family in North America

As we in the Vincentian Family start to regularly share information, knowledge, and ideas, our whole organization can benefit. Here are some resources: Get a convenient overview of the branches of the Family in North America in this presentation. Find Vincentians near you, and learn from them and their experiences. And for information about many past projects involving Vincentians, check out this listing at Systemic Change Projects (North America).

Vincentian Collaboration in Ethiopia

As a follow-up to the Vincentian Family Collaboration Action Program (VFCAP) held in March 2015 in Addis Ababa, the group in Ethiopia has prepared a PowerPoint presentation to update us on what’s been happening in their apostolates. Take a few minutes to learn more about this relatively new and promising Vincentian team, on fire with the charism. See their presentation … Read More

May 23: St. Joan Antida Thouret

On May 23 we celebrate the feast day of St. Joan Antida Thouret, a Daughter of Charity who worked tirelessly for the faith amidst persecution during the French Revolution in the 18th century and went on to found her own congregation of Sisters. To see her biography and a video “In Her Own Words”, click here.