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Association of the Ladies of Charity of the United States
The Ladies of Charity, since their origin, have possessed the charism of their founder, St. Vincent de Paul: daily prayer and personal service to the poor. That same Vincentian spirit characterizes the Association today. It asks the personal gift of self, of time, devotion, sacrifices, and perseverance in the effort to bring dignity to each person and to respond with compassion to every human misery. The Association of the Ladies of Charity USA are direct descendants of the Ladies of Charity and as such are part of the oldest functioning charitable group of lay women, the AIC (International Associations of Charity).
Blessed Trinity Missionary Institute
Founded in Philadelphia in 1950 by Dr. Margaret Healy according to the inspiration of Fr. Thomas Judge, CM; their purpose is to preserve the faith among people who are spiritually neglected and to develop a missionary spirit in the laity. Members are lay persons living in the world. Members wear no distinctive habit, dress or uniform. They choose their own field of secular profession or employment as well as their own place of residence, subject to their Superior’s approval. Nothing is required of members that will limit in any way their secular way of life and their effectiveness as apostles in the world.
Brothers of Charity
Moved by the Love and the Word of God and inspired by Vincent de Paul and Peter Joseph Triest their Founder, they work at improving the quality of life of the poor, the aged, the sick, the youth, the disabled (physical and mental) both in their material and spiritual condition.
Central Association of the Miraculous Medal
The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal was founded to render honor to Mary Immaculate, and to encourage all to wear her Miraculous Medal especially through prayer and devotion. The Miraculous Medal Shrine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is their center of prayer, offering Novena Prayer and Masses every Monday, and thousands of Masses for intentions year-round.
Colorado Vincentian Volunteers
The Colorado Vincentian Volunteers are young men and women, ages 22-30, who serve Denver’s poor, elderly, homeless, developmentally disabled and troubled youth. Their year-long program offers an opportunity for spiritual, emotional, professional growth, and a way of discerning and living one’s Christian vocation.
Congregacion de Misioneros de San José
Carisma Josefino: Anunciar la Buena Nueva, preferentemente, a los pobres en indígenas, mediante la educacion de la juventud y las misiones y otras formas de actividad apostolica, y promover la devocion a San José.
Congregation of the Mission
In July, 1816, the United States was still a young country when the first members of the Congregation of the Mission of St. Vincent de Paul arrived in Baltimore. Known popularly as ‘Vincentians’, these first missionaries were continuing a two hundred year old tradition of preaching the Gospel to poor people and training good priests for the Church. Their work dated back to the birth of the Vincentian Community in Paris in 1625. Today, the Congregation of the Mission sponsors two of the largest Catholic Universities in the US – De Paul, Chicago, and St. John’s, NY (both with some 20,000 students each far surpassing Notre Dame, Boston, Marquette, etc.) as well as Niagara University.
Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Faith
The Holy Faith Sisters are involved in a variety of work including education at all levels, counselling, pastoral work, retreat and parish work and environmental conservation. The U.S. Region was begun in 1953 by seven Holy Faith Sisters who came from Dublin, Ireland, to staff a school in Norwalk, a rapidly growing suburb of Los Angeles. Holy Faith Sisters in the Region currently number 45, and their ministries in California and Louisiana embrace all areas of education including both elementary and high schools, pastoral care, parish ministry, counselling, and hospital ministry.
Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
The Daughters of Charity began to form in the United States in 1850, after Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton officially united with the French community. The Daughters were into nursing and nursing training long before Florence Nightingale and this is finally receiving some scholary recognition. Their role in the Civil War ministering to both sides is legendary. At one point they had the largest Catholic Health Care System in the US. Today, there are two provinces in the United States:
* St. Louise ~ Eastern, Southern, West Central and Midwestern US
* West ~ Los Altos Hills, California -
Hermanas Josefinas
Las Instituciones Josefinas se inspiran en el ejemplo de Jesucristo y en su Evangelio, en la doctrina de la Iglesia, de los Fundadores y en las directrices de cada pais.
Les Religieuses de Notre-Dame du Sacré-Cœur
Vincent de Paul et Louise de Marillac inspirent Elizabeth Seton à fonder les premières soeurs de la Charité américaines en 1809. Elizabeth Seton devient le tronc qui donne naissance à plusieurs branches, en commençant par la congrégation des soeurs de la Charité de New York. Celle-là, à son tour, forme trois branches dont l’une, les soeurs de la Charité de l’Immaculée-Conception, s’enracine à Saint-Jean au Nouveau-Brunswick. Les Religieuses NDSC viennent de cette branche de Saint-Jean.
Missionary Cenacle Apostolate
The Missionary Cenacle Apostolate (MCA) was founded by Fr. Thomas Augustine Judge. to give honor and glory to the Triune God. First, in the sanctification of the Associates by means of the devotions and customs of the Missionary Cenacle; and secondly in an ardent Catholicity that manifests itself in a prudent and zealous interest in your neighbor’s welfare. The motto of the Missionary Cenacle Apostolate is: BE GOOD! DO GOOD! BE A POWER FOR GOOD!
Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity
The Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, a congregation of men, work to help every Catholic become a missionary in their daily lives. In cities and towns throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Costa Rica and Colombia, their mission is to preserve and strengthen the faith while ministering to the spiritually neglected and abandoned, especially the poor.
Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity
The Missionary Servants are a congregation of Roman Catholic sisters founded in Holy Trinity, Alabama in 1918. They serve in a variety of ministries, usually in economically depressed areas. They live together in community but work in the world. There are about 160 Missionary Servants serving in the United States, Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Mexico. They live in small groups called missionary cenacles.
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati is an apostolic Catholic women’s religious community which exists to carry out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through service and prayer. More than 400 Sisters share their mission with approximately 170 Associates (lay men and women). Sisters, using their professional talents as ministers of education, health care and social services currently live and minister in 33 U.S. dioceses and in Guatemala. They also sponsor institutions to address education, health care and social service needs, with particular concern for direct service to the poor.
Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception
The Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception is a women’s religious congregation based in St John, New Brunswick. The Congregation serves the material and spiritual needs of the poor in education, healthcare, and pastoral care across Canada and in Peru. The order was founded in September 1854 by Mother Mary Vincent (Honoria Conway). She and three companions arrived in St John to begin a new religious community. They had traveled from New York, in reponse to a request for help from Bishop Louis Connolly. A cholera epidemic in St John, which followed heavy migration to the area caused by the Great Famine in Ireland, had orphaned many children. The new community was the first English-speaking congregation founded in Canada.
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth operate the University of Saint Mary (Kansas). They also founded and operate Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, and St. Francis Health Center in Topeka, Kansas. Additionally, in 1873, they founded Exempla Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver, Colorado. The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System (SCLHS) was formed in 1972 to strengthen and unify the health care facilities sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth.
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
In 1812, in the newly-formed diocese of Bardstown, Ky., Bishop Benedict Joseph Flaget was overwhelmed by the responsibility of providing religious education for the children of Catholic families who had migrated to Kentucky from Maryland after the Revolutionary War. Father David called for young women willing to devote their lives to the service of the Church. From among the first group of six women, Catherine Spalding, a 19-year-old originally from Maryland, was chosen as first superior of the Community. Today, SCN Family Ministries in the US include: advocacy, housing, health care, elderly services, parish ministry, social services, shelters, low-income housing, adult literacy, hospital outreach, retreats, and education.
Sisters of Charity of Our lady of Mercy of Charleston
The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy is a religious congregation founded by Bishop John England in Charleston, South Carolina in 1829. They strive to carry out their consecration in the spirit of the Beatitudes with the humility, simplicity and compassion evidenced by their patroness, Mary, the Mother of Jesus. The Most Reverend Ignatius Reynolds, second Bishop of Charleston, based the Constitution he wrote for the Community upon that of the Sisters of Charity. In 1949 they adopted a new Constitution and a new name, the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy. The insertion of the word “charity”, was intended to identify the congregation with other religious institutes whose lives are based upon the rule of St. Vincent de Paul and its American adaptations.
Sisters of Charity of Providence
Nee en 1843, à l’initiative de Mere Emilie Tavernier-Gamelin, elles gererent des hospices pour vieillards hommes et femmes; elles travaillerent dans l’Hopitaux General, dans l’Hopital des Incurables et dans celui des Tuberculeux. Elles aussi visiterent des pauvres et des malades a domicile et organiserent des depots pour distribution d’aliments et de vetements aux pauvres externes. Des 1852, la petite Communaute comptant a peine neuf ans d’existence, un groupe de Soeurs de la Providence se dirige vers l’Oregon, aux Etats-Unis et y fonde sa premiere maison. Plus tard, les maisons se sont multipliees tant aux Etats-Unis qu’au Canada, jusqu’aux dioceses de l’Ouest canadien et de l’Alaska.
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, New Jersey
Referred to as the ‘New Jersey Sisters of Charity’ or the ‘Convent Station Sisters of Charity,’ they were founded 50 years after Mother Seton founded the American Sisters of Charity. Sister Mary Xavier Mehegan was assigned by the NY Sisters of Charity to take charge of a new community that the first Bishop of Newark wished to establish. For 56 years, from 1859 until her death in 1915, Mother Xavier headed the Sisters of Charity. Parish schools, academies, hospitals, a day nursery, orphanages, a home for the incurably ill, and a residence for working women were established. In 1899, Mother Xavier founded the College of Saint Elizabeth, one of the first colleges for women in the US.
Sisters of Charity of Saint Joan Antida
Their community focuses energy and resources in service to the poor. Their approach is to be attentive to their needs, being personally involved in their lives and serving them with respect and dignity. Following the example of St. Joan Antida, they go where they are needed and live close to their ministries. Within the United States, they live and work throughout Wisconsin, Texas, and New Mexico.
Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, New York
For nearly 200 years, the Sisters of Charity of New York have met the challenges of the times and ministered to the needs of the poor. The Congregation’s history begins with its foundress, Elizabeth Ann Seton, who was later canonized as the first American-born saint. In 1833 the Church established the beginning of the Catholic school system in New York City and the Sisters were charged with the education of girls. In 1849 Sister Mary Angela Hughes opened St. Vincent’s Hospital. In 1859 the Sisters moved the Mother House at McGown’s Pass from what is now Central Park to its present location in Riverdale, NY. Their work includes nursing, healthcare, education, and child care.
Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, Halifax
An international organization of almost 500 members, based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Sisters serve across Canada, the Eastern US, Bermuda, the Dominican Republic and Peru including the following ministries:
Social Service
Health Care
Pastoral Ministry/ Congregational Service
Spiritual Development -
Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, Greensburg
The Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, United States Province is located in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. The Sisters have traditionally ministered in education, health care, social services and parish ministry. They have special ties to Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Elizabeth Seton Center in Brookline, the DePaul School for Hearing and Speech in Pittsburgh, and Rendu Services in Fayette County. Today as new needs emerge, they direct their action and attention to such worldwide problems as poverty, the needs of women and children, our environment, inter-religious dialogue, the cancellation of debt for the poorest nations, the trafficking of human persons, and immigration issues.
Sisters of Providence of Holyoke
The Sisters of Providence of Holyoke are a community of women whose lives are spent caring for others. They can be found where the needs are the greatest, with the sick, the poor, the elderly, the homeless, the alienated, the oppressed and the lonely. They root their lives in the Gospel values of faith, hope and charity following the spiritual traditions of Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louise de Marillac, Blessed Emilie Gamelin, and Mother Mary of Providence.
Sisters of Providence of Saint Vincent de Paul
Impelled by the compassionate love of Jesus and Mary, they seek to empower others, especially the poor and oppressed, to achieve a quality of life in keeping with their human dignity. They strive to be prophetic leaders in our Church and in society through promotion of structures and relationships of equality and mutuality and through attitudes and actions for justice and peace.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
The Society is probably one of the best known branches of the Family with its ubiquitous Thrift Stores not to mention all the beneficial work they do in home visits. Yet its members call themselves the ‘Silent Society’ because they desire that their quiet, charitable work attract little attention. The Society is made up of lay men and women who bear witness to Christ and His Church through confidential person-to-person help. Activities include providing emergency financial assistance, food, clothing, counseling, and prayers. Their resources are provided by parishioners through poor boxes at the doors of the churches, or through the donation of money, food, clothing and furniture during special drives.
Vincentian Lay Missionaries – USA
VLM-USA is a growing community of current and former Vincentian young adult foreign missionaries and their Vincentian Family mentors from the Company of the Daughters of Charity (Province of St. Louise) and the Congregation of the Mission (Eastern Province).
Vincentian Marian Youth and Miraculous Medal Association
The mission of the Vincentian Marian Youth Association is to create an environment which empowers the youth to enter into communion with God in loving and serving the Church. This mission is accomplished:
* Through promotion of youth ministries.
* Through teaching and fidelity of the Gospel message.
* Through our commitment to social justice and service to the poor. -
Vincentian Mission Corps
The Vincentian Mission Corps is a volunteer program inspired by St. Vincent de Paul that challenges its members to:
* Devote one year of service in impoverished areas of the United States
* Work with marginalized people in our society
* Live simply with fellow volunteers
* Integrate faith into living and serving
3 Comments on “Vincentian Family in North America”
This is a wonderful Vincentian Family resource –especially with the websites included. Thanks so much for putting it together!
Thank you Sr. Marguerite! See also for links to English language websites from around the world.