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As our Superior General’s Lenten greeting reminds us, these forty days of Lent are an ideal time for reflection, connection, and action; a time for deepening our understanding of our founders and the rich heritage they have left us. Here are some online tools that you may find useful:
Commit to reading the Vincentian Daily Reflection each day throughout Lent. You can do this by:
- Subscribing to Famvin daily email updates
- Visiting the VinFormation home page, where the Daily Reflection is posted each day. Click on the link for Today’s Updates, or scroll to the bottom of the page, to see the Daily Reflection.
- Have the Daily Reflection delivered to your mobile device. Scan the code on the right, or go to, then bookmark or save it to your device’s Home Screen.
Or, try some of our Resources for Personal Growth.
Connect with Vincentians through Social Media. Here’s a list to get you started. The list is constantly changing and growing. To let us know about other links, please share by leaving a comment at the bottom of this page.
Vincentians on Facebook
Vincentians on Twitter
SCN Family
CM New England
Sisters of St. Martha

“God demands first of all the heart, and then the work” –St. Vincent (Leonard, 4:114). Think about your reasons for wanting to be a Vincentian volunteer: What appeals to you about the work you’ll be doing? What gifts and qualities will you bring? Which projects appeal to you most? What experiences have you had which would help in your service? What would you hope to gain from living and sharing with other volunteers? What fears might you have? What gifts and personal qualities could you contribute to the community? How is your Christian faith integrated into your life? How might volunteering help to deepen your faith?
Activism & Advocacy
Be the “Voice of the Poor” wherever and whenever you can.
Donating and micro-lending are simple and effective ways to join in the work of the Kingdom of God. (For example, Zafen.)
2 Comments on “Lent 2012”
Vincentian Service Corps is on Facebook!
Great news! Thanks for sharing, Kellie