Learn about Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C., memorial February 3. See a presentation
Feb. 3 – Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.
Learn about the life and works of Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C., best known for working with poor children in Sardinia. Browse resources
Bl. Jozefina Nicoli
Jozefina Nicoli, kći kršćanske ljubavi, radila je u vjerskom odgoju potrebnika svih dobi i bogatijih djevojaka. Predstavlja uzor izravnog služenja siromasima.
Bł. Józefina Nicoli
Jako Siostra Miłosierdzia, Józefina Nicoli pracowała jako katechetka potrzebujących w każdym wieku oraz dziewcząt z bogatych rodzin. Stworzyła model bezpośredniej posługi ubogim.
Beata Giuseppina Nicoli
Come Figlia della Carità lavorò nell’educazione religiosa per i bisognosi di tutte le età insieme con ragazze di famiglia benestante. “Fu modello del servizio diretto ai poveri”.
En tant que Fille de la Charité, Giuseppina Nicoli a œuvré dans le domaine de l’éducation religieuse des plus démunis et des filles de familles riches. Elle a offert un modèle de service direct aux pauvres.
Bl. Giuseppina Nicoli
Giuseppina Nicoli as a Daughter of Charity worked in religious education for the needy of all ages along with girls from wealthy families. She provided a model of direct service to the poor.
Pilgrimage of the Relics of Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, DC
This video shows the Pilgrimage of the Relics of Blessed Giuseppina at Santa Maria della Neve (Our Lady of the Snows) Parish, Arzachena, Italy.
February 3: Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.
The story of the life and works of Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C., best known for working with poor children in Sardinia. See the presentation
“Be Joyful!”– Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.
Sister Giuseppina Nicoli, DC was beatified on February 3, 2008, during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. After her death at the age of 61, on 31 December 1924, a handwritten prayer was found tucked in the hollow of the Crucifix she had received at her first vows. In this prayer she had written: “I want to serve you faithfully, … Read More
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