January 4: Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

In 1809 Elizabeth Ann Seton established the first congregation of Sisters to be founded in the United States. This was their connection with the great Vincentian family in France: they served Jesus Christ as they found Him among the poor, the uneducated and the sick. To learn more about St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and her adaptation of the Vincentian tradition, please view or download from the resources listed here.

Superior General’s Advent Letter as a Slide Presentation

Merry Christmas to all! Here are some excerpts from the Advent 2015 Letter of Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M. which we’ve illustrated with photos from the mission in Madagascar. [See the presentation.] God fulfills the promises made to our ancestors, renewing them today by using us as humble instruments… we are the servants of those who are forgotten and abandoned and cast aside.

Meditation on St. Vincent and the Incarnation

While Jesus was living on the earth, He focused all His thoughts on the salvation of souls. Saint Vincent believed that Jesus “still continues to come to us every day for this same reason.” (XI.74) Saint Vincent adored the Savior who is present every day in the world and in human beings. See the presentation.