Hearts On Fire With Charity

When despair, anger and fear is everywhere, and humane treatment of those who suffer is nowhere… when terror is in the streets… Charity walks without fear, into the streets where fear had once reigned. Sister Rosalie Rendu crisscrossed the streets and alleyways, with her rosary in her hand, heavy basket on her arm, with hurried steps– Rosalie visited her own … Read More

Practical Advice for Vincentians

Shared by Fr. Dennis Holtschneider, CM: If you’ve flown on an airplane, you know the instructions: If you are traveling with a small child, and the cabin loses oxygen, and the air masks drop down, what are you supposed to do? (Correct response: “Place the mask over your own face first, then over your child’s.”) Exactly! See to your needs … Read More

Perfecting Your “Elevator Pitch”

Whether you’re at work, mingling with friends, at church, or at some conference or gathering, you’ll get this question: “What do you do?” “What is a Vincentian?” This is the perfect opportunity to make people want to know more about our way of serving the poor. In the business world, if someone is looking for a job, one of the … Read More

Learn How To Work With Diverse Cultures

“One of the things that we are going to encounter as we engage in Systemic Change is working with diverse cultures,” says Sr. Caroljean Willie, SC. “It is important to understand some of the elements of culture that will help us to truly and effectively meet the needs of the people whom we serve.” Sister’s presentation, called “One Cloth Many … Read More

We Could All Use a Little History Lesson

It’s very easy to get into the routine of daily ministry without stopping to take the time and look back at our roots, particularly the history of the Vincentian Family in the United States. Fr. Felix de Andreis CM and Fr. Joseph Rosati CM were the first priests from the Congregation of the Mission who arrived on American soil in … Read More

Ascension to Pentecost Mini-Retreat

Sr. Regina Bechtle, SC has prepared a mini-retreat: quotes from Sts. Louise and Vincent for each of the eleven days between Ascension Thursday (May 29, 2014) and Pentecost Sunday (June 8, 2014). May their words stir up the desires of our hearts to be open to the Spirit’s transforming grace. Come, Holy Spirit!