O Glorious Saint Vincent de Paul,
The mention of your name,
Suggests a litany of your virtues:
Humility, zeal, mercy, self-sacrifice.
It also recalls
Your many foundations:
Works of Mercy,
The Church gratefully remembers,
Your promotion of the priesthood.
Inspire all Charitable Workers,
Especially those who minister,
To both the spiritually
And the materially poor.
O Lord, give us the grace,
That You bestowed upon,
Your servant St. Vincent de Paul,
To relinquish the temptation,
Of material things,
In our holy effort,
To minister to the poor.
8 Comments on “Prayer to St. Vincent de Paul”
Our 40 year old son has come back to the church, and will be confirmed on May 4th. Please pray for him. Thank you. Rose
He has chosen St. Vincent as his Saint
Do you have a novena to St. Vincent De Paul? Our parish is named after him and we would like to have a novena in preparation for his feast day. This is kind of late, but it could help us in the future. Thank you so much.
Yes there is one — https://vinformation.org/en/novena-to-st-vincent/ … It’s also available in Spanish https://vinformation.org/es/novena-a-san-vicente/
Also here http://famvin.org/en/files/2014/09/St._Vincent_de_Paul_Novena.pdf
Our rosary group walked and prayed today. A private intention was for my son. Who wants to be the 4th grade class representative so he can deliver food to the St. Vincent de Paul society. Then we realized today was the feast day of Saint Vincent. We added his prayer.
God-incidences are awesome.
Thank you
Amen everyone
Please play for josie n bby liz nana luv Tina power