Fr. (now Bishop) Robert Barron talks about a recent experience where he was introduced to the story of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, the 20th century Italian beatified by Pope John Paul II. Bl. Pier Giorgio loved the poor and was a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
(Bishop Barron is the founder of the global media ministry Word on Fire which reaches millions of people by utilizing the tools of new media to draw people into or back to the Catholic Faith.)
6 Comments on “Bishop Robert Barron on Pier Giorgio Frassati”
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Profound words, Piergiorgio, the man of the eight beatitudes, has always been one of my favorite Vincentian Family Saints.
Thanks– me too, Fr. Astor
Ich habe noch nie zuvor von Giorgio Frassati gehört, obwohl Turin, seine Heimatstadt und Ort seiner Wirkkraft kaum 3 Stunden Autofahrt von mir zuhause liegt. Ich mag diese ruhige Art seines sozialen Handelns, seiner Naturverbundenheit und sie Vorstellung seiner Beerdigung als einer Demonstration des Dankes an einen so früh verstorbenen Wohltäter.
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