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  • White House

    1809 – Foundation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. In anticipation of this moment, Mother Seton wrote about her vision of mission. “So far I can express . . . to speak the joy of my soul at the prospect of being able to assist the Poor, visit the sick, comfort the sorrowful, clothe little innocents, and teach them to love God!”

  • St. Joseph’s Academy

    1810 – Mother Seton and the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s began their first apostolic work by founding St. Joseph’s Free School on February 22 and St. Joseph’s Academy on May 14. In 1902 the Academy developed into Saint Joseph College and was chartered to award baccalaureate degrees.

  • St. Joseph’s Asylum

    1817 – Sisters Rose White, Susan Clossey, and Sister Teresa Conroy were sent to Philadelphia to establish the first mission beyond Emmitsburg of the Sisters of Charity. Mother Seton wrote to a friend: “our poor little mustard seed spreads its branches well.”

  • St. Peter’s Asylum

    1829 – Sisters Fanny Jordan, Beatrix Tyler, Victoria Fitzgerald, and Alblina Knott left Emmitsburg to begin St. Peter’s Asylum, Cincinnati, Ohio.

  • United with DC of Paris

    1850 – The Sulpicians of Baltimore completed negotiations for the Sisters of Charity at Emmitsburg to unite with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of Paris.

  • First Foreign Mission in South America

    1952 – Sisters Inez Ohler, Clare Francis Stanton, Eugenia Beggs, Catherine O’Neill, and Florence Beas from Emmitsburg founded the province’s first foreign mission in South America, Colegio Madre Seton, Cochabamba, El Beni, Bolivia.

  • Interprovincial Ministry with Native Americans

    1996 – Sisters Regina Hlavac, Carmela Molini, Francis Vista, Betty Marie Dunkel, and Mary Frate, Daughters of Charity of the five provinces in North America, began an interprovincial ministry with Native Americans of the Hopi and Navajo Nations in the Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico.

  • Visioning for the Mission

    2006 – The Daughters of Charity of the Albany, Emmitsburg, Evansville, and St. Louis provinces initiated a Visioning for the Mission process with the objective of reconfiguring the community of the future in North America.

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