Comparing the Lives of St. Vincent and Bl. Frederic

The presentation St. Vincent de Paul and Bl. Frederic Ozanam: Lives of Distinction provides a side-by-side look at these two great founders. Some similarities: they both worked as teachers, they were both surrounded by influential persons, both were evangelized by the poor. Differences: St. Vincent was a priest, Frederic was married; Vincent lived to age 79, Frederic died at age 40; Vincent was from the country, Frederic from the city. Suggestion: Download this presentation for your next SVDP conference meeting and share how you are inspired by each of them.

Many Ways To Reach Out to the Marginalized

There has been some interest around yesterday’s Famvin article about the use of mobile phones in ministry. So, in case you missed it, from our webinar archives: check out these video conversations about mobile devices… an opportunity to learn how Matthew 25 is lived in our technological age. Thanks again to Michael Acaldo of the Baton Rouge SVDP for hosting … Read More

A Joyful Day in 1975

Nearly 40 years ago, on September 14, 1975, Elizabeth Ann Seton became the United States of America’s first native-born Saint. Today we celebrate by featuring a collection of resources about Mother Seton.

Spend an Hour With President Michael Thio of the SSVP

The inspiring video, “Michael Thio On The Legacy of Frederic Ozanam“, runs a little over an hour. Yes, that’s on the long side for an online video. But haven’t we all spent hours on real time-wasters? (Sitting in front of the television, for example.) One day this week, why not set aside an hour to get a longer-lasting benefit. Watch as Michael Thio, International President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, delivers a very moving presentation challenging Vincentians to embrace the spirit of their founder Frederic Ozanam, while at the same time encouraging SSVP leaders to run the organization in a goal-oriented, business-like way. “Do not be afraid to take risks,” Pope Francis once advised him.