Ozanam’s Vision: Being Christian in a Modern World
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Lesson: For Vincentians and other active Christians in today’s world, ministry and spirituality should be closely related. For more, see this 3-minute video.
Lesson: For Vincentians and other active Christians in today’s world, ministry and spirituality should be closely related. For more, see this 3-minute video.
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Lesson: Genuine Christian spirituality is the lived Gospel in response to a contemporary cultural situation. The contemporary relevance of any Christian spirituality is illumined by its past heritage (as Ozanam was informed by Vincent).
Lesson: Genuine Christian spirituality is the lived Gospel in response to a contemporary cultural situation. The contemporary relevance of any Christian spirituality is illumined by its past heritage (as Ozanam was informed by Vincent).
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Lesson: As Vincentians and as Christians today, like Ozanam, we must speak and act so that the Church can be a Church incarnating Jesus in a modern world.
Lesson: As Vincentians and as Christians today, like Ozanam, we must speak and act so that the Church can be a Church incarnating Jesus in a modern world.
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Lesson: We can begin to understand the formidable problem of poverty by going to the poor and learning from them. Only then do we have the knowledge and the right to suggest reforms to the systems which keep people in poverty.
Lesson: We can begin to understand the formidable problem of poverty by going to the poor and learning from them. Only then do we have the knowledge and the right to suggest reforms to the systems which keep people in poverty.