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St. Vincent de Paul
St. Louise de Marillac
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Bl. Frederic Ozanam
Bl. Rosalie Rendu
Other Vincentian Sts. & Bl.
Miraculous Medal
Resources tagged “Presentations”
Resources tagged "Presentations"
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Marian Spirituality and the Vincentian Charism
To Vincentians Throughout the World This Lent
Society of St. Vincent de Paul: The Story of an Expansion
Uniting Action And Contemplation: the Way of Vincent
Lessons of Frederic Ozanam: Community Service as a Learning Experience
Congregation of the Mission: Journey of Faith in the USA
Easter Joy and the Vincentian Charism
Reflections On The First Rule of the AIC (1617)
“Walking With Vincent” with Fr. Patrick J. Griffin, CM
St Vincent de Paul et les droits des pauvres
St. Vincent de Paul and the Rights of the Poor
St. Vincent de Paul: Saint of Charity, Saint of Justice
Fidelity to the Charism of Vincent
Lent – Conversion
Prayer for Migrants and Refugees
Vincentian Reflections by Fr. Rolando Gutiérrez, CM: Series
Advent Prayers & Spiritual Exercises
“Leaving God For God”
The Congregation of the Mission: Revitalizing Our Identity
Christmas Prayers for Vincentians from the Holy Land
St. Vincent’s Spiritual Way: the Process of Discernment in Daily Life
The Intuition of St. Vincent
Saint John Gabriel Perboyre: formative years
St. Louise’s Notes on the Ladies of Charity
Life of St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.
St. Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 3)
St. Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 2)
Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 1)
The Charity of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (Feast Day: July 4)
Daughters of Charity, Blessed Martyrs of Arras
“Vincent’s Shades of Tolerance” by Fr. Jack Melito, CM
St. Louise’s Trinitarian Faith
Reflection on the Chapel of the rue du Bac
St. Louise and Avoiding Stumbling Blocks
Frederic Ozanam: Pioneer and Prophet
Learning From St. Louise During Her Mature Years
St. Louise’s Road to Humility
Louise de Marillac and the Priests of the Mission
The Prayer Life of Louise de Marillac
April 25: Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St. Vincent
Vincentian Care: Serving With Love, in a Spirit of Justice
References to St. Joseph in St. Vincent’s Letters
Walking through each day with St. Vincent
Lenten Reflection: The Spirit Accompanies Us in the Desert
“Prayer in Motion” With St. Louise
Lenten Reflection: Two Suggestions, this Lent
January 11: Blessed Anna Maria Janer
“Look Up!”– Quotes of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Christmas With St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Advent Reflection on Prayer for Vincentians
Devotion to St. Justin de Jacobis in Eritrea and Ethiopia
Key Role of Friendship in the Life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Frederic Ozanam and Servant Leadership
Unrestricted Readiness to Follow God’s Plan
Dealing With Illness: A Vincentian Perspective
St. Vincent and Lay Ministry
The Vincentian Parish Mission 1625-1660
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: Historical Frame of Reference
What Does Blessed Rosalie Rendu Teach Us Today?
Martyr of Charity: Blessed Rosalie Rendu
Bl. Rosalie Rendu: Serving and Advocating for the Sick Poor
Original Apostolates of the Congregation of the Mission
Who Are the Daughters of Charity, Martyrs of Angers?
The Life and Legacy of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.
The Bible: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Close Companion
Five Themes in the Life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Advent: A Season of Peace
Evangelized by Others: the Closeness of God’s Presence in Our Encounters
A Letter to Saint Louise
The Message of the Miraculous Medal: “Come to the altar”… Live the Eucharist!
Vincentian Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War: Meaning For Our Own Era
Being Evangelized By The Poor
Sharing of My Life With Another
The Vincentian Virtues Today
Discovering the deepest needs of those we serve
Advice from Saint Vincent de Paul, in everyday life
The Origin of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Bringing together two worlds
Blessed Ghebre Michael and the Fullness of Truth
Participation and Collaboration in the AIC (Ladies of Charity)
St. Elizabeth Seton and First American Sisters of Charity Profess Vows (July 19, 1813)
Blessed Rosalie Rendu: Heroine Alongside Cholera Victims
The Mystical Journey of Louise de Marillac
Blessed Frederic Ozanam and the Cholera Epidemic
April 17, 1625: First Establishment of the Congregation of the Mission, Bons Enfants
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Experiences In Quarantine
St. John Gabriel Perboyre and the Message of the Cross
Vincentian Prayer and Resolutions for Action
Some Practical Rules for Praying
Four Methods of Prayer for Vincentians
Jean-Marie Odin, C.M.: Vincentian Missionary on the American Frontier
The Vincentian Missionary Spirit
The Origins of the Daughters of Charity
The Way of the Cross: Charity and Passion
Collaboration Vincentienne – Une Perspective Extérieure
Vincentian Collaboration – An Outside Perspective
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: Living Faith
The Bravery of Blessed Rosalie Rendu
The Story of St. Vincent de Paul
December 8: When the Sisters of Charity Renew Their Vows
Catherine Harkins, the First Lady of Charity in the U.S.
Sign of the Sacred: the Poor As Sacrament
An Examination of Conscience for Vincentians
Réflexion du Carême: La Foi en la Résurrection
Lenten Reflection: Viewing Death With Resurrection Faith
Emmanuel Bailly, First President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Lenten Reflection
Frederic Ozanam’s Social Justice Vision
Character of Frederic Ozanam
Brief Biography of Blessed Ghebre-Michael
St. Vincent’s Call to the Ladies of Charity: Still Heard After 400 Years
Blessed Louis-Joseph François, C.M.
The Vincentian Family: 400 Years of Service on Behalf of Those Who Are Poor
Vincentian Family: Reveal God’s Love to the World!
The Miraculous Medal Association and the Vincentian Family
Mary, Our Model
Blessed Marcantonio Durando, C.M.
The Christmas Story of the Magi for Vincentians
“Be Joyful!”– Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.
Stories of Blessed Rosalie Rendu
Three Challenges of the Miraculous Medal
Examination of Conscience Based on the 5 Vincentian Virtues
Lenten Presentation for Vincentians
Simple Guide to Apostolic Reflection
Lenten Themes With St. Vincent and St. Louise
Leo Raymond de Neckère, C.M., first bishop of New Orleans
St. Agostina Pietrantoni
Fr. Thomas Judge, C.M. and the Missionary Cenacle Family
St. Catherine Labouré and St. Vincent de Paul
Three Invitations of Blessed Marcantonio Durando, C.M. to the Vincentian Family
To Each Vincentian in the World At Advent
St. Elizabeth Seton: A Spirituality for Mission
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and the birth of the U.S. Church
Bl. Pierre René Rogue, C.M., Priest and Martyr
Two Vincentian Lenten Meditations by Fr. Maloney
The Feast of the Annunciation and Vows As a Daughter of Charity
Vincentian Lent, A Pilgrimage to the Heart: A Path Made Up of Questions
Lenten Reflection by Richard McCullen, C.M.
St. Vincent de Paul Quotes About Suffering
Life of Blessed Nemesia Valle
The Sanctity of Blessed Marta Wiecka, D.C.
St. Justin de Jacobis and the Coptic Christians of Ethiopia
Prayer & Reflection on Birthday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (August 28)
The Congregation of the Mission During the French Revolution
The Lay Spirituality of Frederic Ozanam
March 11: Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Louise de Marillac
Understanding Hearts – St. Elizabeth and St. Louise
St. Louise’s Devotion to the Immaculate Conception
St. Louise’s Organization of the Confraternities of Charity
St. Louise de Marillac: Happy at the Foot of the Cross
St. Louise de Marillac: The mountain of stones and the diamond
St. Louise de Marillac: a theology of tenderness
St. Louise de Marillac: Organizational Genius
St. Louise de Marillac: Gifted Mentor, Energetic Influencer
St. Louise, the Ladies of Charity and Daughters of Charity: Serving the Sick
Life of Blessed Ghèbre-Michael of Ethiopia
July 31: Foundation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s, by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Schilderij van Vincentius (Portrait of Vincent) – 1
Schilderij van Vincentius (Portrait of Vincent) – 2
Blessed Ghebre-Michael
La venue de Jésus dans le monde
The Coming of Jesus Into the World
Five Vincentian Virtues
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth in the American Old West: Mission in Montana
Pentecost Meditation for Vincentians
St. Vincent de Paul: Confronting Poverty With Creativity
St. Vincent de Paul Sends Missionaries to Madagascar
St. Vincent’s First Foundation: the Ladies of Charity
Sur les traces de Frédéric Ozanam
In the Footsteps of Frederic Ozanam
St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.: Missionary to Ethiopia
Life of St. Francis Regis Clet, C.M.
Biography of Blessed Marguerite Rutan, D.C.
Love: the Driving Force of St. Louise de Marillac’s Life
Vincentian Pioneers in America Part 2: Daughters of Charity
The Origin of the Confraternities or the Associations of Charity
400 anos carisma
Places of St. Vincent
Life of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.
Life of Bl. Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.
Vincentian Pioneers in America, Part 1: Congregation of the Mission
Quaresma 2017
Lent 2017
Carême 2017
St. Francis Regis Clet: “To the Extremes of Love”
Les Contributions du Charisme Vincentien : Séries
Contributions of the Vincentian Charism: Series
The Heart of Jesus in the Spirituality of St. Louise de Marillac
Collaboration in the Vincentian Family
Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla
La Dimension Prophétique du Charisme Vincentien : Séries
The Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism: Series
Daughters of Charity Martyrs of Arras
Marguerite Naseau
The First Miraculous Medals
The Journey of St. Joan Antida Thouret
Sainte Louise de Marillac: une vie consacrée
St. Louise de Marillac: A Consecrated Life
The Life of Blessed Pierre-René Rogue, C.M.
Carême 2016 : Lettre du Supérieur Générale
Superior General’s Lenten Letter 2016: Presentation
St. Vincent’s Vision of Priesthood
Sainte Elisabeth Ann Seton et la collaboration
Avent 2015: Lettre de Supérieur Général
Superior General’s Advent Letter 2015: Presentation
Frédéric Ozanam et la collaboration
Year of Mercy: Presentation and Video for Vincentians
Saint Vincent de Paul et la collaboration
L’anno della collaborazione vincenziana
How St. Louise Exemplifies Vincentian Leadership
Collaboration of Sts. Louise and Vincent: Brought Together According to God’s Plan
St. Louise de Marillac On the Infant Christ, and Mary
Vincentian Reflection on Mercy and Justice
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Collaboration
Frederic Ozanam and Collaboration
Reflections on the AIC Charter: What Motivates Our Actions
St. Vincent de Paul On Collaboration
Vincentian Collaboration: Tips and Practical Examples
Vincentian Apostolates in Ethiopia
Mary, Mother of the Church: A Reflection
Cooperating With God’s Plan: Events Leading to the Establishment of the Congregation of the Mission
Ozanam on Almsgiving
Pope Francis’ Message for 30th World Youth Day
Systemic Change Toolkits
The New Evangelization and Social Justice
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Mortification, Living in the Presence of God
Five Faces of St. Louise
Mortification of the Mind and Will
Virtue of Mortification As Taught By St. Vincent de Paul
The Virtue of Mortification
The Congregation of the Mission: Proclaiming Good News to The Poor
Evangelized By the Poor: The Salvific Power of Those Living in Poverty
Reflections on Evangelization, for Lay Vincentian Volunteers
Principles of Evangelization from a Vincentian Perspective
The Place of Vincentians in the New Evangelization
The Miraculous Medal: A Powerful Tool for Evangelization
The Sound of Silence: St. Catherine Labouré
The Green Scapular
Who Do You Say That I Am? : Vincent’s Understanding of Christ
5 Reflections On Our Ministry As Vincentians
St. Justin de Jacobis: The Art of Dialogue
The Action-Proven Spirituality of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
What Makes an Education “Vincentian”?
Rosalie Rendu: The Person Behind the Actions
The Spirituality of Systemic Change
Spiritualité du changement systémique
De Paul Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
December 1: Founding of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
The Solitude of St. Catherine Labouré
Father Maloney Presents: 4 Perspectives on Advent
November 13: Feast of St. Agostina Pietrantoni
Moving Vincentian Spirituality To Action
Spirituality of Systemic Change
The Roots of Ozanam’s Passion for Charity and Justice
Beatification of Congregation of the Mission Priests and Brothers: Spanish Civil War
Examination of Conscience In Light Of Catholic Social Teaching
St. Vincent and Simplicity
Ozanam and the Conferences of St. Vincent de Paul
Frederic Ozanam and His Experience of God
Some Papal Statements Regarding Frederic Ozanam
A Vincentian Approach to Evangelization
Fryderyk Ozanam – testament duchowy
Frederic Ozanam: A Committed Layman
Ozanam’s Testament
Feast of Frederic Ozanam: September 9
Door of Faith: St. Gianna Beretta Molla
Systemic Change, St. Vincent de Paul and Evangelization
Door of Faith: St. Agostina Pietrantoni
July 4: Feast of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
St. Catherine Labouré
Door of Faith: St. John Gabriel Perboyre
Mother’s Day & St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Door of Faith: Five Faces of St. Justin de Jacobis
Feast of St. Louise de Marillac
Concepts of Systemic Change Mini-Course
Ten Principles to Facilitate Systemic Change
Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, A Woman of Faith
February 7- Feast of Blessed Rosalie Rendu, DC
Congregation of the Mission: Who We Are
January 7 – Blessed Lindalva
January 4: Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Advent 2012
Congregation of the Mission: Formation of the Clergy
Congregation of the Mission: Evangelization of the Poor
St. Louise: Healer, Sister, Friend
Is What We Are Doing Transforming Lives?
Sept. 9: Feast of Blessed Frederic Ozanam
August 23, 1617: First Confraternity of Charity
Vincentian Superstars
Cele Zgromadzenia Misji – część 2 – Formacja Kleru
Głosić Ewangelię Ubogim
Duchowość Wincentyńska – sedno naszej posługi ubogim
Vincentian Spirituality in 5 Slides
February 17: Foundation of the Sisters of Charity of Halifax
Star Gazer: Elizabeth Seton’s Journey of Faith
Vincent and the Incarnation
Open My Eyes (Prayer)
Prayer for Homeless Persons
The Miraculous Medal for Our Times
Advent 2011
Vincentian Family History With Systemic Change
Method of Transforming Projects Into Systemic Change
Systemic Change Approach
MDGs, Catholic Social Teaching & Strategies
Collaboration Among Branches of the Vincentian Family
Zafen – Microfinance for Haiti
Systemic Change Strategies (Handout)
Ten Seeds of Systemic Change
Background and Notion of Systemic Change
San Vincenzo de Paoli
350 Years: Responsible for a Legacy
350 Years: The Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul
Changing Systems – Changing Lives: by Caroljean Willie, SC
Gesù Evangelizzatore del Povero
Jezus głosiciel Ewangelii ubogim
Jesus Evangelizer of the Poor
The Virtue of Humility
Siostra Marta Wiecka
La Virtù dell’Umiltà
Bl. Marta Wiecka
St. Vincent de Paul 17th Century, 21st Century
Soulfire (Part 4 of 4)
Soulfire (Part 3 of 4)
Soulfire (Part 2 of 4)
Soulfire (Part 1 of 4)
Vincentian Family Worldwide
Unifying Elements in the Vincentian Family
Vincentian Family in Today’s World
Leadership and Humility
Our Context, Spirituality, Collaboration, Challenges
Five Faces of Vincent
5 Virtues Study Guide
Vincentian Family in Today’s World: Globalization, Solidarity
Comparing the Lives of Vincent and Frederic
Going With God’s Flow
Do Something New
Five Faces of Mary
Five Faces of Rosalie Rendu
Revitalizing Our Mission
Revitalizing Our Relationships
Daughters of Charity Irish Province
St. Vincent’s Life as Parable
Louise de Marillac: Her Life as Parable
What Is Vincentian Spirituality?
SVDP – How Are We Organized?
SVDP – What is Our History?
SVDP – Who We Are and What We Do
Service vs. Justice
The “See, Judge, Act” Process
On Vincentian Spirituality
The Vision of Vincent
Ocoa Dominican Republic: Systemic Change Example
Novena to St. Vincent
Revelation, Reflection, Learning
Systemic Change PowerPoint Presentations
Advent 2010
What is a Vincentian?
Bref résumé de « Femmes Vincentiennes »
Seton Harvest
Vincentian Women
Vincentian Themes of Advent
Heroes and Heroines of the Vincentian Family
Vincentian Family in North America
Haiti: Photo Galleries
Vincentian Family Tree
Learn About St. Louise
Learn About St. Vincent
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