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- Pages
- Vincentian Saints and Blesseds
- Contact Us
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- What is a Vincentian?
- Vincentian Spirituality
- Seeing Christ in the Poor
- Living and Growing as a Vincentian
- The Vision of Vincent
- Revitalizing Our Relationships
- Revitalizing Our Mission
- Do Something New
- Going With God’s Flow
- Justice and Peace Spirituality
- On “Balance”
- Vincentians: Change the Game
- Practical Advice: See to Your Needs First
- Meditation on Being a Neighbor to Others
- Charity to One’s Neighbor, Historical Perspective
- To Inflame the Heart of My Neighbor
- St. Vincent on Prayer
- St. Vincent and Mental Prayer
- A Guide on the Spiritual Journey
- Counsel of a Wise Person
- Waiting and Trusting in the Lord
- Our Vocation: A Gift of the Holy Spirit
- The “It’s Not Over ‘Til It’s Over” Theory
- Fanning the Charism’s Fire
- It Takes a Family: Care and Nurturing of Our Vincentian Vocation
- Meditation: The Tower of Babel
- Apostolic Reflection & Discernment
- A Calling From God
- Who is My Neighbor?
- Our Mission in Today’s World
- Catholic Social Teaching Panel Discussion
- Catholic Social Teaching – Terminology
- Catholic Social Teaching: Web Resources
- Globalization
- Our Context, Spirituality, Collaboration, Challenges
- Vincentian Family in Today’s World
- Vincentian Family Spirituality, Collaboration, Challenges
- Catholic Social Tradition Videos
- Vincentian Virtues and Spirituality
- Do you speak Vincentian?
- Mary in the Vincentian Tradition
- Vincentian Elements
- 5 Virtues Study Guide
- Leadership and Humility
- Umiltà
- La Virtù dell’Umiltà
- St. Vincent de Paul and the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Visione di Cristo secondo San Vincenzo
- Rozumienie Chrystusa przez św. Wincentego
- St. Vincent de Paul’s Contemplation of Mary
- St. Vincent’s Understanding of Christ
- Humility
- The Prayer of a Missioner
- The Virtue of Humility
- On Humility
- Jesus Evangelizer of the Poor
- Jezus głosiciel Ewangelii ubogim
- Gesù Evangelizzatore del Povero
- The Place of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Vincentian Tradition
- Prayer in the Vincentian Tradition
- Praying With Vincentian Communities (Catholic Digest)
- Interactive Learning
- Vincentian Formation Resources (Overview)
- Audience-Specific Resources
- Books, Journals, Arts & DVDs
- Prayers, Celebrations & Seasonal
- 350th Anniversary
- Arts
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- Media
- Learn About St. Vincent
- Learn About St. Louise
- Spirituality
- Experiences with the Poor
- Virtual Tours
- Systemic Change – 350th
- Outstanding Projects – 350th
- Social Media
- Micro-Credit
- Haiti
- Special Prayers – 350th
- Rome – 350th
- Paris – 350th
- Monthly Study Material – 350th
- Collaborative Projects – 350th
- Vincentian Ministries – 350th
- Legacy
- Vincent as Priest
- Louise as Social Worker
- Vincentian Family Tree
- Vincentian Family in North America
- Heroes and Heroines of the Vincentian Family
- 350th Anniversary – International Publication
- Remembering St. Vincent and St. Louise– Two Great Prophets of Charity
- Vincentian Spirituality – an Encounter with Christ in the Poor
- The Spirit of Saint Vincent de Paul
- 350th Anniverary – Monthly Reflection 4
- Who was Jesus for Vincent?
- 350th Anniversary – Monthly Reflection 6
- 350th Anniversary – Monthly Reflection 7
- Evangelization of the Poor
- 350th Anniversary – Monthly Reflection 9
- 350th Anniversary – Monthly Reflection 10
- 350th Anniversary – Monthly Reflection 11
- Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac – The Art of Decision Making
- 350 Years: The Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul
- 350 Years: Responsible for a Legacy
- St. Vincent de Paul Society and Other Vincentian Prayers
- Vincentian Themes of Advent
- Reflections for Spiritual Advisors, Moderators, Mentors
- Lent 2010
- Advent 2010
- Celebrating Saint Vincent and Saint Louise with Poor People
- Lent 2011
- Pentecost Novena Against Human Trafficking
- Resources for Vincentian Family Day of Prayer 2011
- Prayers of Vincent From Conferences With Daughters of Charity
- Prayer to St. Vincent de Paul
- Advent 2011
- Miraculous Medal Solemn Novena 2011 on YouTube
- The Litany of St. Vincent de Paul
- Prayer for Vincentian Workers
- Prayer Before Home Visitation
- Prayer for Homeless Persons
- Open My Eyes (Prayer)
- Foundation of the Company of the Daughters of Charity: Nov. 29, 1633
- Feast of the Immaculate Conception
- Star Gazer: Elizabeth Seton’s Journey of Faith
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Prayer Service
- Elizabeth Ann Seton Prayer for Jan. 4
- Elizabeth Ann Seton Prayer: Called in the Name of Charity
- Elizabeth Ann Seton 2-Page Folder
- Elizabeth Ann Seton 2-Page Folder (for Children)
- Feast of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira – January 7
- January 25: Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission
- February 7: Feast of Blessed Rosalie Rendu, DC
- February 17: Foundation of the Sisters of Charity of Halifax
- Lent 2012
- St. Louise de Marillac: Healer, Sister, Friend
- March 25: Establishment of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, 1852
- Foundation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, April 23, 1833
- The Spiritual Fire Within
- Ascension through Pentecost with St. Louise
- Association of the Miraculous Medal: June 3, 1905
- July 31: Foundation of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph’s
- August 23, 1617: First Confraternity of Charity
- Sept. 9: Feast of Blessed Frederic Ozanam
- Litany in Honor of Blessed Frederic Ozanam
- September 27: Feast of St. Vincent de Paul
- Establishment of the Sisters of Charity Federation: Oct. 27, 1947
- Door of Faith: St. Vincent de Paul
- Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth: November 11, 1858
- Door of Faith: St. Louise de Marillac
- The Message of St. Catherine Labouré: November 28
- Design and Meaning of the Miraculous Medal: November 27
- Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Founded Dec. 1, 1812
- Advent 2012
- December 8: Immaculate Conception
- Door of Faith: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- January 4: Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- January 7 – Blessed Lindalva
- Door of Faith: Frederic Ozanam
- Congregation of the Mission: Who We Are
- February 7- Feast of Blessed Rosalie Rendu, DC
- Lent 2013
- Feast of St. Louise de Marillac
- Door of Faith: St. Joan Antida
- Stations of the Cross from Vincentian Lay Missionaries
- Door of Faith: Five Faces of St. Justin de Jacobis
- Mother’s Day & St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Door of Faith: St. John Gabriel Perboyre
- St. Catherine Labouré
- July 4: Feast of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
- Door of Faith: St. Agostina Pietrantoni
- Door of Faith: St. Gianna Beretta Molla
- Prayer for the Birthday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: August 28
- Feast of Frederic Ozanam: September 9
- St. Vincent and Simplicity
- Beatification of Daughters of Charity of the Spanish Civil War: October 13, 2013
- Beatification of Congregation of the Mission Priests and Brothers: Spanish Civil War
- Establishment of the Sisters of Charity Federation – October 27, 1947
- November 13: Feast of St. Agostina Pietrantoni
- The Solitude of St. Catherine Labouré
- Origins of the Daughters of Charity: November 29, 1633
- December 1: Founding of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
- December 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception in the Vincentian Family
- Video for Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Prayer for Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Vincentians’ Way of the Cross
- Lent for Vincentians
- The Action-Proven Spirituality of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- AIC: The Journey, 1617 to Today
- Advent Calendar 2014
- The Sound of Silence: St. Catherine Labouré
- The Miraculous Medal: A Powerful Tool for Evangelization
- Superior General’s Advent 2014: With Pictures and Video
- Prince of Peace Video from the Daughters of Charity International
- Blessed Rosalie Rendu Printable 2-Page Handout
- Superior General’s Lenten Letter 2015
- Vincentian Missioner Prayer
- Avent 2015: Lettre de Supérieur Général
- Carême 2016 : Lettre du Supérieur Générale
- Triduum Pascal pour les Vincentiens
- Pâques: Notre foi en la résurrection
- Wielkanoc – Nasza wiara w Zmartwychwstanie
- Carême 2017
- Quaresma 2017
- Spiritual Journey of the Sisters of Charity: Emmitsburg to New York City
- 350th Anniversary
- Presentations, Video, Audio & Games
- Podcasts
- Hobson’s Choice
- St. Vincent’s Influences
- Vincent: The Early Years
- St. Vincent As Priest
- Who Wants To Be a Vincentian? Frederic Ozanam Edition (Part 1)
- Vincentian Jeopardy
- Puzzles
- Journey of Vincent
- Jeopardy – Niagara University Edition
- Mosaics of St. Vincent’s Life
- Vincentian Family Gathering, Detroit 2009
- Jeopardy – Niagara Two Player Edition
- About the Vincentian Treasure Hunt
- View of Paris At the Time of Sts. Vincent and Louise
- Jeopardy – Niagara University 4 Player
- Jeopardy – Niagara University 3 Player
- Ozanam – Panel Discussion
- Vincent and Louise Quiz
- Seton Harvest
- Bref résumé de « Femmes Vincentiennes »
- Changing Systems – Changing Lives Presentation with Audio
- Famvin on YouTube
- Daughters of Charity Video Wall
- Jeopardy NU 2010 Version
- Jeopardy: Systemic Change Edition
- Jeopardy: Mount St. Joseph Edition
- Systemic Change PowerPoint Presentations
- Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira
- Revelation, Reflection, Learning
- Photo Essay: The Consecrated Life… of a Vincentian
- The “See, Judge, Act” Process
- Mosaic Life of St. Louise
- Sister Giuseppina Nicoli
- Service vs. Justice
- Louise de Marillac: Her Life as Parable
- St. Vincent’s Life as Parable
- Comparing the Lives of Vincent and Frederic
- Five Faces of Vincent
- Soulfire (Part 1 of 4)
- Soulfire (Part 2 of 4)
- Soulfire (Part 3 of 4)
- Soulfire (Part 4 of 4)
- St. Vincent de Paul 17th Century, 21st Century
- Bl. Marta Wiecka
- Siostra Marta Wiecka
- Saints, Blesseds and Venerables
- Catholic Social Teaching
- We Are Connected
- Conversations with Elisabeth Charpy, DC (Part 1)
- Daughters of Charity U.S. : Christ in the Poor
- Mary, Intercessor of the Weak and Vulnerable
- Changing Systems – Changing Lives: by Caroljean Willie, SC
- Apostolic Reflection (described by a Daughter of Charity)
- San Vincenzo de Paoli
- Jeopardy – Joe Flannigan Edition
- Background and Notion of Systemic Change
- Ten Seeds of Systemic Change
- Systemic Change Strategies (Handout)
- Zafen – Microfinance for Haiti
- Collaboration Among Branches of the Vincentian Family
- MDGs, Catholic Social Teaching & Strategies
- Systemic Change Approach
- Method of Transforming Projects Into Systemic Change
- I Refuse by Josh Wilson
- The Eucharist – The Heart of a Daughter of Charity
- Jeopardy – Niagara U 2011 Edition
- Vincentian Family History With Systemic Change
- The Miraculous Medal for Our Times
- The Story of St. Catherine Labouré
- Vincent and the Incarnation
- Jeopardy – SVDP Fall River Council
- Trailer for the movie “St. Vincent de Paul: Charity’s Saint”
- Two Years on Mission in Bolivia
- Vincentian Spirituality in 5 Slides
- The Life and Times of Frederic Ozanam
- Duchowość Wincentyńska – sedno naszej posługi ubogim
- Głosić Ewangelię Ubogim
- Cele Zgromadzenia Misji – część 2 – Formacja Kleru
- Vincentian Superstars
- Conversations with Elisabeth Charpy, DC (Part 2)
- Transforming Lives: More Stories of the Homeless and Working Poor
- Is What We Are Doing Transforming Lives?
- St. Louise: Healer, Sister, Friend
- Congregation of the Mission: Evangelization of the Poor
- Congregation of the Mission: Formation of the Clergy
- Louise de Marillac: A Saint for Everyone
- History of the Daughters of Charity
- Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, A Woman of Faith
- Conversations with Elisabeth Charpy, DC (Part 3)
- Systemic Change, St. Vincent de Paul and Evangelization
- Vincentian Mobile Outreach Revolution Event, Part 1 of 3
- Vincentian Mobile Outreach Revolution Event, Part 2 of 3
- Vincentian Mobile Outreach Revolution Event, Part 3 of 3
- Fryderyk Ozanam – testament duchowy
- A Vincentian Approach to Evangelization
- Frederic Ozanam and His Experience of God
- Ozanam and the Conferences of St. Vincent de Paul
- Extreme Poverty is Violence
- Fighting for Unheard Voices
- International Eradicate Poverty Day: October 17
- The Roots of Ozanam’s Passion for Charity and Justice
- Spirituality of Systemic Change
- Moving Vincentian Spirituality To Action
- Founding and Legacy of the St. Vincent de Paul Society
- De Paul Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
- Vincentians: Our Story
- Getting to Know St. Louise Through Her Letters
- What Makes an Education “Vincentian”?
- Miraculous Medal Shrine: History, Tradition, Art
- Jeopardy: SVDP Edition
- St. Justin de Jacobis: The Art of Dialogue
- Growing in Charity at St. Vincent’s Primary School
- The Life of St. Vincent de Paul: By the Children of St. Vincent’s Primary School
- Ozanam – Pioneer of Catholic Social Teaching
- Michael Thio On The Legacy of Frederic Ozanam
- Ozanam: Faith, Charity, and the Face of Christ
- Ladies of Charity: Acting Against Poverty With a Vincentian Heart
- Mission and Charity: The Evolution of St. Vincent de Paul’s Spiritual Vision
- Jeopardy: Mill Hill
- Launch Out Into the Deep: Vincentian Evangelization
- Launching Out Into The Deep: Famvin on the Web and Social Media
- The Green Scapular
- The Place of Vincentians in the New Evangelization
- In Their Own Words – Those Helped By St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Vincentian Quotes Slideshow With Music
- Video Prayer-Meditation: St. Vincent, Man of God
- Principles of Evangelization from a Vincentian Perspective
- Sisters of Charity Federation: History
- History of the Sisters of Charity Federation (Presented by Sr. Judith Metz, S.C.)
- Reflections on Evangelization, for Lay Vincentian Volunteers
- Evangelized By the Poor: The Salvific Power of Those Living in Poverty
- Vincent de Paul: Charity’s Saint
- The Congregation of the Mission: Proclaiming Good News to The Poor
- Association of the Miraculous Medal: Reflection on Evangelization
- Interview with Sheila Gilbert, President of SVDP USA
- Bishop Robert Barron on Pier Giorgio Frassati
- Pier Giorgio Frassati and Social Justice, by Fr. Robert Barron
- Sr. Rosalie Rendu: A Daughter of Charity With a Heart on Fire
- Blessed Rosalie Rendu: A Daughter of Charity with a heart on fire
- Virtue of Mortification As Taught By St. Vincent de Paul
- Sister Sharen Baldy, SCN: Seeing Christ in Our Neighbors Living in Poverty
- St. Vincent de Paul on Mortification
- Five Faces of St. Louise
- Video: Quotes on Mortification
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul Video
- Extravagant Love: The Sisters of Charity
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Mortification, Living in the Presence of God
- Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, SC
- Bl. Marguerite Rutan, DC
- The New Evangelization and Social Justice
- Pope Francis’ Message for 30th World Youth Day
- Podcast of the Prayer: “Most Holy Virgin, I believe and confess”
- Podcast of The Vincentian Charism, Vincentian Spirituality and our Way of Life
- Cooperating With God’s Plan: Events Leading to the Establishment of the Congregation of the Mission
- Mary, Mother of the Church: A Reflection
- Vincentian Apostolates in Ethiopia
- Vincentian Collaboration: Tips and Practical Examples
- Journey Towards Boundless Charity: Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth
- Reflections on the AIC Charter: What Motivates Our Actions
- Frederic Ozanam and Collaboration
- St. Vincent de Paul Quotes on God’s Providence
- Vincentian Reflection on Mercy and Justice
- St. Louise de Marillac On the Infant Christ, and Mary
- Collaboration of Sts. Louise and Vincent: Brought Together According to God’s Plan
- How St. Louise Exemplifies Vincentian Leadership
- Year of Vincentian Collaboration: Slides (Printable)
- L’anno della collaborazione vincenziana
- La vocazione vincenziana
- A Vocação Vicentina
- La vocation vincentienne
- Rodzina Wincentyńską i jej powołanie
- Saint Vincent de Paul et la collaboration
- Frédéric Ozanam et la collaboration
- Sainte Elisabeth Ann Seton et la collaboration
- The Roots of Ozanam’s Passion for Charity & Justice
- Video : « Allons-nous rester inertes dans un monde qui souffre ? »
- St. Gianna Beretta Molla Video
- Love is a Choice: the Life of St. Gianna Beretta Molla
- Apparition of Mary to St. Catherine Labouré, told by Fr. Carl Pieber, C.M.
- St. Louise de Marillac: A Consecrated Life
- Sainte Louise de Marillac: une vie consacrée
- Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati – quotes short video
- Marguerite Naseau
- Daughters of Charity Martyrs of Arras
- Journey of Faith: The History of the Vincentians in America
- La Dimension Prophétique du Charisme Vincentien : Séries
- Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla
- Collaboration in the Vincentian Family
- The Heart of Jesus in the Spirituality of St. Louise de Marillac
- Les Contributions du Charisme Vincentien : Séries
- St. Francis Regis Clet: “To the Extremes of Love”
- Vincentian Pioneers in America, Part 1: Congregation of the Mission
- Life of Bl. Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.
- Life of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.
- Places of St. Vincent
- 400 anos carisma
- The Daughters of Charity After the Battle of Gettysburg
- Vincentian Pioneers in America Part 2: Daughters of Charity
- Biography of Blessed Marguerite Rutan, D.C.
- Life of St. Francis Regis Clet, C.M.
- Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Video: Around the World
- Sisters of Charity of New York Video: Rebuilding Lives with Love
- St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.: Missionary to Ethiopia
- Ladies of Charity: Acting Against Poverty With a Vincentian Heart
- Sur les traces de Frédéric Ozanam
- St. Vincent’s First Foundation: the Ladies of Charity
- St. Vincent de Paul Sends Missionaries to Madagascar
- Dream Dreams Prayer Service
- St. Vincent de Paul: Confronting Poverty With Creativity
- St. Vincent on the Incarnation: Video
- Pentecost Meditation for Vincentians
- Prayer: To Be Merciful
- Hobson’s Choice (U.K. Edition)
- Catholic Social Teaching 101: Video Series
- Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth in the American Old West: Mission in Montana
- La venue de Jésus dans le monde
- Saint François-Régis Clet, Martyr
- Unaffiliated Lay Vincentians
- Blessed Ghebre-Michael
- Model of the Church in the Vincentian Charism
- Shared Stories
- Vincentian Family Gathering – Detroit, April 2009: Reflections
- Vincentian Story Corps
- Making a Difference
- The Edge
- Transforming Lives: Stories of the Homeless and Working Poor
- Evangelized by Those We Serve
- It’s the Poor Who Make You a Vincentian
- You Could Make a Difference
- SVDP Society Volunteers Tell Their Stories
- Personal Story – St. Vincent’s Orphanage in Chicago
- Keep Going Back: A Story
- What is Our Mission? A Story
- Story of a Home Visit from St. Vincent de Paul Society of Australia
- History Timelines
- Systemic Change Resources
- Systemic Change Panel Discussion
- Tips & Suggestions for Systemic Change Trainers
- More Systemic Change Resources
- Collaborate
- Alphabetical List of Systemic Change Projects
- Seeds of Hope: Stories of Systemic Change
- Animated Short Story: Concept of Systemic Change
- One Cloth, Many Threads by Sr. Caroljean Willie, SC
- Spirituality of Systemic Change (Video / Audio)
- Spiritualité du changement systémique
- The Spirituality of Systemic Change
- Systemic Change Toolkits
- Fr. Maloney On Systemic Change and Our Vincentian Call to Holiness Today
- Resources on Our Founders
- Engravings of St. Vincent de Paul
- Who We Are and What We Do
- Issues We Care About
- Ministries & Featured Projects
- Vincentian Family
- Daughters of Charity International Project Services
- Complete Vincentian Family Tree
- Revisioning the SVDP Society for the 21st Century
- Fr. Gregory Gay – Worldwide Vincentian Family Presentation
- SVDP – Who We Are and What We Do
- SVDP – What is Our History?
- SVDP – How Are We Organized?
- Vincentian Family in Today’s World: Globalization, Solidarity
- Unifying Elements in the Vincentian Family
- Vincentian Family Worldwide
- Vincentian Mission Corps
- The Rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- The Rule of SVDP: Reflection
- Ladies of Charity (1617)
- Congregation of the Mission (1625)
- Daughters of Charity (1633)
- Sisters of Charity (1809)
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul (1833)
- The Rule of SVDP, Section 1: Vocation and Purpose
- The Rule of SVDP, Section 3: Use of Money and Property for the Poor
- Vincentian Marian Youth (1830)
- Association of the Miraculous Medal (1847)
- Lay Vincentian Missionaries (1999)
- The Rule of SVDP, Section 7: Vision
- Colorado Vincentian Volunteers
- Where We Serve
- Editor’s Picks
- Resources in Other Languages
- Ten Foundational Principles in the Social Teaching of the Church
- Novena to St. Vincent
- Five Faces of Rosalie Rendu
- Five Faces of Mary
- Recommendations for Self-Study or Personal Growth
- Recommendations for Small Groups
- Recommendations for Large Groups
- Links to Vincentian Family Projects
- Search Formation Resources
- Systemic Change Comic Books
- Mobile Apps & Resources for Vincentians
- Systemic Change Projects (North America)
- Urban Rangers of Kansas City
- Operation Overhaul
- Monthly Encounters
- March for Life
- Inn Dwelling Comprehensive Youth Program
- Women’s Connection
- The Maura Clarke-Ita Ford (MCIF) Center
- Keeler Women’s Center
- Josephine’s Place
- Voice of the Poor
- Pursuing Justice Catholic Charities
- The Immigrant & Refugee Women’s Project
- Asian Center of Merrimack Valley
- De Paul Center Systemic Change Initiative
- Uplift
- Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility
- Global Loan Opportunities for Budding Entrepreneurs (G.L.O.B.E.)
- Banking for the Poor (Payday Lending)
- NativityMiguel Network of Schools
- Cristo Rey Network of Schools
- Proyecto Beca
- WAITT House (We’re All In This Together)
- Up Loft & First Step
- St. Vincent de Paul Adult Learning Center for Empowerment
- Family Advancement Ministries
- Faith Works (Cedar Valley)
- Charity Federation Maritime Project
- Bridging the Gap
- Veronica’s Voice
- Roarke Center
- Let’s Start
- Working in Neighborhoods (WIN)
- Tierra Madre Sustainable Community
- Salt and Light
- Rebuild Center At St. Joseph’s Church
- The Bridge
- LifeWay Network
- DC Coalition on Human Trafficking
- Middle Georgia Alliance to End Regional Trafficking
- Resources for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Feast Day
- Resources on Blessed Frederic Ozanam
- Resources on St. Vincent
- Resources on St. Louise
- Resources on Blessed Rosalie Rendu
- Resources on St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Door of Faith: St. Francis Regis Clet
- Ten Principles to Facilitate Systemic Change
- Concepts of Systemic Change Mini-Course
- Gallery – St. Louise de Marillac
- Gallery– St. Vincent de Paul
- Resources tagged “AIC (Ladies of Charity)”
- Resources tagged “Association of the Miraculous Medal”
- Resources tagged “Apostolic Reflection”
- Resources tagged “Apps”
- Resources tagged “Arts”
- Resources tagged “Audio”
- Resources tagged “Editor’s Picks”
- Resources tagged “Books”
- Resources tagged “Charism”
- Resources tagged “Seeing Christ in the Poor”
- Resources tagged “Congregation of the Mission”
- Resources tagged “Catholic Social Teaching”
- Resources tagged “Daughters of Charity”
- Resources tagged “DVDs”
- Resources tagged “eBooks”
- Resources tagged “Vincentian Family”
- Resources tagged “Feast Days”
- Resources tagged “Frederic Ozanam”
- Resources tagged “Games”
- Resources tagged “Haiti”
- Resources tagged “Vincentian Identity”
- Resources tagged “Issues We Care About”
- Resources tagged “Jesus Evangelizer of the Poor”
- Resources tagged “Bl. Lindalva”
- Resources tagged “St. Louise de Marillac”
- Resources tagged “Blessed Virgin Mary”
- Resources tagged “Missionary Cenacle Family”
- Resources tagged “Miraculous Medal”
- Resources tagged “Vincentian Mission”
- Resources tagged “Novenas”
- Resources tagged “Vincentian Heritage People”
- Resources tagged “Personal Growth in Vincentian Spirituality”
- Resources tagged “Prayer in the Vincentian Tradition”
- Resources tagged “Vincentian Prayers”
- Resources tagged “Presentations”
- Resources tagged “Example Projects”
- Resources tagged “Quotes”
- Resources tagged “Online Reading Material”
- Resources tagged “Reflections”
- Resources tagged “Bl. Rosalie Rendu”
- Resources tagged “Sisters of Charity”
- Resources tagged “Church Seasonal”
- Resources tagged “St. Elizabeth Ann Seton”
- Resources tagged “Vincentian Spirituality”
- Resources tagged “Shared Stories”
- Resources tagged “Sustainable Living”
- Resources tagged “Society of St. Vincent de Paul”
- Resources tagged “Systemic Change”
- Resources tagged “Use of Technology in Spiritual Formation”
- Resources tagged “History Timelines”
- Resources tagged “Video”
- Resources tagged “St. Vincent de Paul”
- Resources tagged “Virtual Tours”
- Resources tagged “Vincentian Virtues”
- Resources tagged “Webinars and Online Events”
- Resources tagged “Year of Faith”
- Prayers, Reflections, and Novenas
- Daily Reflections
- St. Vincent de Paul Society Prayer
- Ascension to Pentecost Mini-Retreat
- Prayer Before Home Visit
- Via Lucis With Pier Giorgio Frassati
- Favorite Prayers by St. Vincent
- Prayers For a Life of Service
- Meditation On a Recent Home Visit
- Vincentian Spirituality and Sacred Scripture
- Voice of the Poor Prayer
- Prayer for Vincentians about to Engage in Systemic Change
- Vincentian Weekly Reflections from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- Blog Page
- Resources tagged “For Missionaries”
- Resources tagged “For Small Groups”
- Resources tagged “For Large Groups”
- Resources tagged “For Youth”
- Resources tagged “For Mentors”
- Resources tagged “Americas”
- Resources tagged “Africa”
- Resources tagged “Europe”
- Resources tagged “Asia”
- Resources tagged “Australasia”
- Ozanam’s Testament
- Frederic Ozanam: A Committed Layman
- Some Papal Statements Regarding Frederic Ozanam
- Examination of Conscience In Light Of Catholic Social Teaching
- eBooks: Basics of Vincentian Spirituality Series
- eBooks: Index
- eBook: Saint Vincent Confronts the Crisis of Values of His Era
- eBook: The Value of Gratitude
- eBook: The Value of Mercy According to Vincent de Paul
- eBook: The Prayer of Saint Louise de Marillac
- eBook: St. Vincent de Paul and the “New Poor”
- eBook: A Samaritan Called Vincent de Paul
- eBook: Vincent de Paul and Peace
- eBook: Daughters of Charity: Martyrs in Madrid
- eBook: The Spanish Vincentian Missionaries, Martyrs of the Twentieth Century
- eBook: The Liberation of the Poor
- eBook: A Vincentian Reflection on Martyrdom
- Coming in 2014: Famvin eBook Club
- eBook: Louise de Marillac: Fully Woman
- eBook: St. Vincent de Paul and Evangelization
- eBook: Louise de Marillac, A Committed Woman
- eBook: St. Vincent de Paul and the Spirit of Service
- eBook: Louise de Marillac: A Woman of the Church
- eBook: Vincent de Paul and Justice
- eBook: Louise de Marillac, A Theologian
- eBook: Vincent de Paul and Liberation
- eBook: Louise de Marillac, a Spiritual Woman
- eBook: A Letter to Louise de Marillac
- eBook: Vincent de Paul and Creative Love
- eBook: Vincentian Spirituality
- eBook: Vincentian Virtues and Charism
- eBook: Vincentian Family (Who We Are and What We Do)
- eBook: Seeing Christ in the Poor
- eBook: The Vincentian Mission in Today’s World
- eBook: Living and Growing As a Vincentian
- Father Maloney Presents: 4 Perspectives on Advent
- February 1: Feast of the Martyrs of Angers
- Rosalie Rendu: The Person Behind the Actions
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- 5 Reflections On Our Ministry As Vincentians
- Who Do You Say That I Am? : Vincent’s Understanding of Christ
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- Wise Asset Management Toolkit
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- Mortification of the Mind and Will
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- Year of Mercy: Presentation and Video for Vincentians
- Resources Tagged “Year of Mercy”
- Superior General’s Advent Letter 2015: Presentation
- St. Vincent’s Vision of Priesthood
- Superior General’s Lenten Letter 2016: Presentation
- The Life of Blessed Pierre-René Rogue, C.M.
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- Easter: Our Resurrection Faith
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- Contributions of the Vincentian Charism: Series
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- Love: the Driving Force of St. Louise de Marillac’s Life
- In the Footsteps of Frederic Ozanam
- Five Vincentian Virtues
- The Coming of Jesus Into the World
- Story from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of St. Louis
- Works of St. Vincent de Paul Society of Madison
- Following in the Footsteps of St. Louise
- St. Louise de Marillac on Humility
- Sur les pas de Sainte Louise de Marillac
- St. Louise de Marillac: Gift to the Church (Video)
- St. Vincent de Paul: a Person of the 17th Century, a Person for the 21st Century
- St. Vincent de Paul 101
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- A Heart on Fire 400 Years Ago Shaped Our Church Today (Video Series)
- The Work of the Society of St Vincent de Paul in Ireland
- 2019 Lenten Calendar
- 2019 Calendrier de carême
- Prières pour la visite à domicile
- Saints et Bienheureux Vincentiens
- Resources tagged “Blessed Marta Wiecka”
- Dr. Allen Hunt Talks to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, USA
- Schilderij van Vincentius (Portrait of Vincent) – 2
- Schilderij van Vincentius (Portrait of Vincent) – 1
- Resources Tagged “Vlaams” (Flemish)
- Miraculous Medal Shrine Reflections: Three Apparitions of Mary
- July 31: Foundation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s, by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Life of Blessed Ghèbre-Michael of Ethiopia
- Resources Tagged “Bl. Ghèbre-Michael”
- The Legacy of Frederic Ozanam
- Four Themes in the Spirituality of St. John Gabriel Perboyre
- Resources Tagged “St. John Gabriel Perboyre”
- Documents from Famvin Leaders’ Meeting in Rome, Jan. 2020
- St. Louise, the Ladies of Charity and Daughters of Charity: Serving the Sick
- St. Louise de Marillac: Gifted Mentor, Energetic Influencer
- St. Louise de Marillac: Organizational Genius
- St. Louise de Marillac: a theology of tenderness
- St. Louise de Marillac: The mountain of stones and the diamond
- St. Louise de Marillac: Happy at the Foot of the Cross
- St. Louise’s Organization of the Confraternities of Charity
- St. Louise’s Devotion to the Immaculate Conception
- Understanding Hearts – St. Elizabeth and St. Louise
- March 11: Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Louise de Marillac
- Vincentian Jeopardy
- Places in Vincentian History (Jeopardy)
- St. Francis Regis Clet Quiz
- St. Catherine Labouré Quiz
- Who Wants to Be a Vincentian? Frederic Ozanam Edition (Part 2)
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Quiz
- The Lay Spirituality of Frederic Ozanam
- The Congregation of the Mission During the French Revolution
- Prayer & Reflection on Birthday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (August 28)
- St. Justin de Jacobis and the Coptic Christians of Ethiopia
- The Sanctity of Blessed Marta Wiecka, D.C.
- May 17, 1658: St. Vincent Gives Rules to the Congregation of the Mission
- Life of Blessed Nemesia Valle
- Learning From the Littlest Among Us (Presentation)
- St. Vincent de Paul Quotes About Suffering
- Saints Vincent and Louise: Trivia Quiz
- Lenten Reflection by Richard McCullen, C.M.
- Vincentian Lent, A Pilgrimage to the Heart: A Path Made Up of Questions
- The Feast of the Annunciation and Vows As a Daughter of Charity
- Two Vincentian Lenten Meditations by Fr. Maloney
- Bl. Pierre René Rogue, C.M., Priest and Martyr
- Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and the birth of the U.S. Church
- St. Elizabeth Seton: A Spirituality for Mission
- To Each Vincentian in the World At Advent
- Three Invitations of Blessed Marcantonio Durando, C.M. to the Vincentian Family
- St. Catherine Labouré and St. Vincent de Paul
- Fr. Thomas Judge, C.M. and the Missionary Cenacle Family
- St. Agostina Pietrantoni
- Leo Raymond de Neckère, C.M., first bishop of New Orleans
- Lenten Themes With St. Vincent and St. Louise
- Simple Guide to Apostolic Reflection
- Lenten Presentation for Vincentians
- Examination of Conscience Based on the 5 Vincentian Virtues
- Three Challenges of the Miraculous Medal
- Stories of Blessed Rosalie Rendu
- “Be Joyful!”– Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.
- The Christmas Story of the Magi for Vincentians
- Blessed Marcantonio Durando, C.M.
- Mary, Our Model
- Advent Themes from Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM
- The Miraculous Medal Association and the Vincentian Family
- Vincentian Family: Reveal God’s Love to the World!
- The Vincentian Family: 400 Years of Service on Behalf of Those Who Are Poor
- Our Vincentian Founders Trivia Quiz
- Blessed Louis-Joseph François, C.M.
- St. Vincent’s Call to the Ladies of Charity: Still Heard After 400 Years
- Brief Biography of Blessed Ghebre-Michael
- Thoughts on Pentecost
- Gen Verde Concert Resources
- Elizabeth Ann Seton: Seeker to Saint
- Character of Frederic Ozanam
- Frederic Ozanam’s Social Justice Vision
- Lenten Reflection
- Emmanuel Bailly, First President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- Lenten Reflection: Viewing Death With Resurrection Faith
- Réflexion du Carême: La Foi en la Résurrection
- An Examination of Conscience for Vincentians
- Sign of the Sacred: the Poor As Sacrament
- Catherine Harkins, the First Lady of Charity in the U.S.
- December 8: When the Sisters of Charity Renew Their Vows
- The Story of St. Vincent de Paul
- The Bravery of Blessed Rosalie Rendu
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: Living Faith
- Vincentian Collaboration – An Outside Perspective
- Collaboration Vincentienne – Une Perspective Extérieure
- John Joseph Lynch, C.M.
- The Way of the Cross: Charity and Passion
- The Origins of the Daughters of Charity
- The Vincentian Missionary Spirit
- Jean-Marie Odin, C.M.: Vincentian Missionary on the American Frontier
- Four Methods of Prayer for Vincentians
- Some Practical Rules for Praying
- Vincentian Prayer and Resolutions for Action
- A Lenten Examination of Conscience for Vincentians
- St. John Gabriel Perboyre and the Message of the Cross
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Experiences In Quarantine
- April 17, 1625: First Establishment of the Congregation of the Mission, Bons Enfants
- Blessed Frederic Ozanam and the Cholera Epidemic
- The Mystical Journey of Louise de Marillac
- Blessed Rosalie Rendu: Heroine Alongside Cholera Victims
- St. Elizabeth Seton and First American Sisters of Charity Profess Vows (July 19, 1813)
- Participation and Collaboration in the AIC (Ladies of Charity)
- Blessed Ghebre Michael and the Fullness of Truth
- The Origin of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Bringing together two worlds
- Advice from Saint Vincent de Paul, in everyday life
- Discovering the deepest needs of those we serve
- The Vincentian Virtues Today
- Sharing of My Life With Another
- Being Evangelized By The Poor
- Vincentian Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War: Meaning For Our Own Era
- The Message of the Miraculous Medal: “Come to the altar”… Live the Eucharist!
- A Letter to Saint Louise
- Evangelized by Others: the Closeness of God’s Presence in Our Encounters
- Advent: A Season of Peace
- A Song of Hopeful Liberation
- Five Themes in the Life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- The Bible: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Close Companion
- The Life and Legacy of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.
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- Who Are the Daughters of Charity, Martyrs of Angers?
- Original Apostolates of the Congregation of the Mission
- Bl. Rosalie Rendu: Serving and Advocating for the Sick Poor
- Martyr of Charity: Blessed Rosalie Rendu
- What Does Blessed Rosalie Rendu Teach Us Today?
- Vincentian Family 101 – by Ellen Dauwer, SC
- Pilgrimage of the Relics of Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, DC
- A Vincentian Response to Laudato Si’
- If #IamVincent can I be a Spectator?
- Shared story of a volunteer: Healthcare for Homeless #IamVincent @DePaulMission
- Shared Story: Forgiveness Will Save Your Life #IamVincent
- Homily of Fr. Mavrič at the Vincentian Family 400th Anniversary Mass
- What is Vincentian Collaboration?
- AIC: 400 Years
- Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla (August 2)
- Prayer of St. John Gabriel Perboyre, C.M.
- Ladies of Charity: Serving With Vincentian Creativity
- Vincentian Family Prayer
- Story– Vincentian Virtues in Action
- Vincentian Virtues in Action: Bill’s Story
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: Historical Frame of Reference
- The Vincentian Parish Mission 1625-1660
- St. Vincent and Lay Ministry
- Dealing With Illness: A Vincentian Perspective
- Unrestricted Readiness to Follow God’s Plan
- Frederic Ozanam and Servant Leadership
- Key Role of Friendship in the Life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul: “Mission Possible!”
- Devotion to St. Justin de Jacobis in Eritrea and Ethiopia
- Vincentian Spirituality from an Irish Perspective
- Blessed Enrichetta Alfieri, the Angel of San Vittore
- Advent Reflection on Prayer for Vincentians
- Christmas With St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- St. Elizabeth Seton: I Am a Mother– Seeker to Saint Series
- St. Elizabeth Seton: Storybook Romance– Seeker to Saint Series
- St. Elizabeth Seton: The Cost of Conversion– Seeker to Saint Series
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Timeline
- “Look Up!”– Quotes of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Seeing the Unseen (Society of St. Vincent de Paul Video)
- Footsteps of Frederic Program – SSVP Australia
- Louise de Marillac: A Saint For Everyone
- Combining Pragmatism with Idealism: Working With Younger Vincentians
- Video: Reflection on St. Louise de Marillac and Friendship
- Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, SC
- ACT Vincentian
- Just Art • Then I Came by Boat (Asylum Seekers)
- Blessed Marta Anna Wiecka Videos
- Congregation of the Mission (Vincentian Priests) In Their Own Words
- Señora Laura: A Vincentian Story
- Tour Vincentian Paris Through the Eyes of a St. John’s University Student
- Vincentian Centre for Homeless Persons – St Vincent de Paul Society
- July 30: Feast of St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.
- From the Diary of Mother Seton (Video)
- August 2: Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla
- The Vincentian Charism in Lebanon
- Discovering Hope Through Home Visits
- What It’s Like to Visit Châtillon
- Ladies of Charity: Serving With a Vincentian Heart
- Get Up and Go! The Vincentian Mission in Kenya
- Youth and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (USA)
- A Call to Serve: Young Vincentian Making an Impact
- A Gift for Friendship: Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- Sheltering the Homeless in Louisiana
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the Philippines
- Get To Know the Sisters of Charity
- GLOBE: St. John’s University Discovering the Vincentian Mission
- St. Vincent de Paul Society Sharing Their Stories
- January 11: Blessed Anna Maria Janer
- “I was hungry and you fed me…” Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- Dec. 1: Foundation Day of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
- Young Adults Learning to Serve in Philadelphia
- Video Series: From Mother Seton’s Diary
- Congregation of the Mission: Finding God in the Poor
- Congregation of the Mission: Serving With Joy in the Solomon Islands
- Congregation of the Mission: Serving With Joy in Bolivia
- Celebrating With the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Halifax
- St. Louise de Marillac Video
- Daughters of Charity: The Beginnings
- The Stations of the Cross with Bishop Barron (Video)
- May 23: St. Jeanne-Antide Thouret
- Video Tour of Rue du Bac Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
- Visite Vidéo de la Chapelle Notre-Dame de la Médaille Miraculeuse
- Daughters of Charity in El Paso: Carrying On The Missionary Spirit
- June 20: Anniversary of Pontifical Approbation of the Children of Mary Association
- July 4: Feast of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
- Videos About Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
- The Mission Continues: Who is My Neighbor?
- August 2: Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla
- Feast of St. John Gabriel Perboyre, C.M.
- Act according to God’s time, not your own, advises St. Vincent de Paul
- Elizabeth Ann Seton: American Saint
- October 27: Sisters of Charity Federation of North America #UnstoppableCharity
- What do you love about being a Sister of Charity?
- Video Documentary On the Missionary Servants of the Blessed Trinity
- The Joy of Serving · #IamVincent
- Miraculous Medal Video from the Daughters of Charity International
- Congregation of the Mission Celebrating 170 Years in Philadelphia (Documentary Video)
- Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C. – Brief Biography (Video)
- Men On a Mission: The Congregation of the Mission Serving Christ in the Poor
- Daughters of Charity – Martyrs of Angers – Video of Homily by Fr. McCullen
- Seton Shrine Stations of the Cross (Video)
- St. Louise de Marillac: the first feminist of France?
- Sainte Louise de Marillac est-elle la première féministe de France ?
- Homily: Making ourselves “radically available” to others (Video)
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul Prayer (Video)
- Faithful to God’s Plan for My Life (St. Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal)
- June 20: Children of Mary Association (now the Vincentian Marian Youth Movement)
- 100th Anniversary of the Beatification of the Daughters of Charity of Arras
- July 18: First Apparition of Mary to St. Catherine Labouré
- Visit to the Tomb of Frederic Ozanam
- Vincent’s Values: A Spiritual Perspective (Video)
- AIC Short Videos on the Vincentian Virtues, Part 1: Humility
- AIC Short Videos on the Vincentian Virtues, Part 2: Charity
- AIC Short Videos on the Vincentian Virtues, Part 3: Simplicity
- Video: St. Vincent de Paul Society Celebrate 175 Years in the USA; Adapting to Challenges of COVID-19
- The Vincentian Christmas Novena
- Finding Folleville
- Congregation of the Mission: A video by Father Luigi Mezzadri, C.M.
- The “New Châtillon”: Community in Dialogue (substance abuse rehabilitation project) in Italy
- The Miraculous Medal: A Sign of Light
- Icon of Charity: With Light in the Eyes (Icon of St. Vincent)
- Men on a Mission: Nine Young Vincentian Priests Go to China, 1921
- What Makes a Good Vincentian?
- Vincent’s Homes (13 Houses Campaign)
- The Five Vincentian Virtues With Fr. Francisco Javier Álvarez, CM
- Saint Vincent de Paul – Les couleurs de la charité ( Video )
- Saint Vincent de Paul – The Colors of Charity (Video)
- Lenten Reflection: Two Suggestions, this Lent
- “Prayer in Motion” With St. Louise
- Lenten Reflection: The Spirit Accompanies Us in the Desert
- Walking through each day with St. Vincent
- References to St. Joseph in St. Vincent’s Letters
- Vincentian Care: Serving With Love, in a Spirit of Justice
- April 25: Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St. Vincent
- The Prayer Life of Louise de Marillac
- Louise de Marillac and the Priests of the Mission
- St. Louise’s Road to Humility
- Learning From St. Louise During Her Mature Years
- Frederic Ozanam: Pioneer and Prophet
- St. Louise and Avoiding Stumbling Blocks
- Reflection on the Chapel of the rue du Bac
- St. Louise’s Trinitarian Faith
- “Vincent’s Shades of Tolerance” by Fr. Jack Melito, CM
- Daughters of Charity, Blessed Martyrs of Arras
- The Charity of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (Feast Day: July 4)
- Vincentian Footprints in China
- Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 1)
- St. Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 2)
- St. Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 3)
- Life of St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.
- St. Louise’s Notes on the Ladies of Charity
- Saint John Gabriel Perboyre: formative years
- The Intuition of St. Vincent
- St. Vincent’s Spiritual Way: the Process of Discernment in Daily Life
- Christmas Prayers for Vincentians from the Holy Land
- The Congregation of the Mission: Revitalizing Our Identity
- “Leaving God For God”
- Advent Prayers & Spiritual Exercises
- Vincentian Reflections by Fr. Rolando Gutiérrez, CM: Series
- Prayer for Migrants and Refugees
- SlideShare Help
- Lent – Conversion
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: Finding Mary– Seeker to Saint Series
- Printable Pamphlets from Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Paris
- Encounter – Blessed Frederic Ozanam
- Ozanam Center for Service Learning
- Resources Tagged “Spanish Civil War Martyrs”
- Fidelity to the Charism of Vincent
- St. Vincent de Paul: Saint of Charity, Saint of Justice
- St. Vincent de Paul and the Rights of the Poor
- St Vincent de Paul et les droits des pauvres
- Video: Saint Vincent, Priest of Charity at the Service of the Poor
- Saint Vincent, prêtre de la Charité au service des pauvres (vidéo)
- “Walking With Vincent” with Fr. Patrick J. Griffin, CM
- Blessed Frederic Ozanam: Pioneer in Catholic Social Teaching
- Reflections On The First Rule of the AIC (1617)
- Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Video)
- Fr. Rooney’s Two-Minute Reflection on Christmas for Vincentians
- Easter Joy and the Vincentian Charism
- Resources Tagged “St. Joan Antida Thouret”
- Congregation of the Mission: Journey of Faith in the USA
- Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, C.M. (video)
- Lessons of Frederic Ozanam: Community Service as a Learning Experience
- Uniting Action And Contemplation: the Way of Vincent
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul: The Story of an Expansion
- St. Vincent de Paul and the Duchess of Aiguillon, presented by Bronwen McShea
- To Vincentians Throughout the World This Lent
- St. Louise de Marillac, Mystic of the Holy Spirit
- Sainte Louise, Mystique du Saint-Esprit
- Series of Short Video Reflections from SVP England and Wales
- Saint John Gabriel Perboyre, C.M. (video)
- Marian Spirituality and the Vincentian Charism